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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

Thanks so much for all the replies -  I'll keep looking.  I'd love to find the mix and also to learn why it seems to be disappearing.

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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

I just looked on line and it's available for pickup at my local Walmart. It's also at Target.

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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

@ECBG   I'm going to try your recipe, looks yummy !!!!

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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

I was looking for angel food cake mix a while back and noticed that none of the stores around here seemed to carry it any longer. I've also noticed that the stores' cake mix sections have shrunken and are a shadow of what they used to be. 


I've also noticed that when one grocery store in my neighborhood stops carrying an item, the rest of the stores follow suit. I've heard that food manufacturers pay "slotting fees" to stores to carry their products and display them with an agreed-upon prominence. Maybe manufacturers decided that their angel food cake mix didn't have strong enough sales to push it into grocery stores in your area? Or maybe the stores themselves decided that stocking it wasn't worth the shelf space? 


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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

@millieshops  Checked Harris Teeter and they had Betty Crocker brand of Angel Food mix in stock--but did have to move some other "flavors" on the shelf around to find one.


Didn't have the Duncan Hines Angel Food, though, which is my favorite brand.


Whatever might be going on I'll check once in a while.  Too crazy at the store yesterday to ask at the courtesy desk.


Might be that they carry more as Spring/Easter approaches when folks use the mix to combine with fruit, like pineapple or strawberries.

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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

That is interesting. My husband had 2 heart attacks in December. So he has been given lists of foods that he is allowed to eat. And Angel Food cake was the only cake on the list.



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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

@aroc3435I. too prefer Duncan Hines but Publix had none in any brand.  I did speak to management in my favorite Publix which is a small store -  and I did check in one of their larger stores near me, too.


I like your idea of checking as spring approaches.  Might even try calling Duncan Hines and seeing what their CS tells me.  Will post if I get info.

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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

I was in my local Kroeger store and both Duncan Homes and Betty Crocker were on the shelf

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Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

If you have a copy of James McNair's Angel Food Cake recipe it is wonderful!  I have never had a failure with this even on a humid day.


It uses at least a dozen eggs and makes a beautiful cake and it is so much better than store bought or box mix.  You will be spoiled!  LOL!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Anyone try to buy angel food cake mix recently

Good luck here via a good neighbor to whom I'd mentioned my problem.   She found a Betty Crocker version at Walmart and bought it for me.  Baking tomorrow morning!   --Millie