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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Any Tips on How To Cut Up a Butternut Squash?

My son brought me six of them from a friends garden. I have never prepared them but love butternut squash.  I put on my anti-cut slicing gloves, cut off the top and bottom. I peeled it with a veggie peeler.  Yeah it was a little tricky but it worked. I put it on cutting board, sliced it lengthwise and scooped out the seeds. Then I cubed it and sprinkled with brown sugar, butter, cinnamon and maple syrup and baked it.  We had it as a taco topping and a side! Talk about delicious spicy/sweet combo.  

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Posts: 692
Registered: ‎03-16-2020

Re: Any Tips on How To Cut Up a Butternut Squash?

@wadesmom wrote:

Generally I have found it easier to put a squash in the microwave for a few minutes (2 to 5 depending on the size, variety etc) and then to cut it up. It is easier to get the knife through the rind. It sounds delicious. Good luck!

I agree this is the way to go.


Without gory details, trust me when I say be careful with these things!