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I haven't read this thread, so excuse me if I'm repeating something.


We switched from regular non-fat milk to Fairlife non-fat milk. It's ultra-filtered and has  a much more generous sell-by date. It tastes much better as well.


Here is how it compares to normal nonfat milk:


Regular/Organic Skim Milk (Fat Free)per 8oz VS. fairlife® skimper 8oz

nolactose freeyes

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Live close to a great dairy, and drink,

 2%, non GMO, no hormone, no antibiotic, organic milk.


Grew up drinking milk, DH and I love it 🥰 yummy!

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I buy a quart of half & half for my coffee & tea.  Also keep another in the small refrigerator in the office for the same.  Half & half lasts MUCH longer than milk and tastes better, IMO.  I use it in place of milk for the once-in-a-blue-moon times I actually need milk for somehting else.  This does not happen often enough for me to worry about the extra fat and calories.

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@Maloyo wrote:

I buy a quart of half & half for my coffee & tea.  Also keep another in the small refrigerator in the office for the same.  Half & half lasts MUCH longer than milk and tastes better, IMO.  I use it in place of milk for the once-in-a-blue-moon times I actually need milk for somehting else.  This does not happen often enough for me to worry about the extra fat and calories.




Me, too. I love whole milk, heavy cream and whole milk Greek yogurt. I don't drink or eat much of those things to make a difference. I would rather enjoy the few things in life that make it worth living rather than gag trying to avoid fat and calories.

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@suzyQ3 wrote:

I haven't read this thread, so excuse me if I'm repeating something.


We switched from regular non-fat milk to Fairlife non-fat milk. It's ultra-filtered and has  a much more generous sell-by date. It tastes much better as well.


Here is how it compares to normal nonfat milk:


Regular/Organic Skim Milk (Fat Free)per 8oz VS. fairlife® skimper 8oz

nolactose freeyes

I know several of you have mentioned drinking FairLife.  When it first hit the market, or before in the press buildup, I couldn't help but scream at molecularly modified milk.  They break the milk apart and process it adding back in more protein.  It was geared towards the more protein after workout milk drinkers.  We chemically modify our food too much, which is why I buy organic.  I will see if I can find a small bottle of FairLife to try so I can compare it to my organic milk, and I will do a blind taste, but I know I will be able to tell it apart from the organic milk.  I can do with milk what people do with wine.  Wine on the other hand pretty much tastes varying shades of vinegar/fruit to me, but milk is a whole different game.  I grew up with fresh milk from our family farm so this might have a large contributing factor to my mindset with milk.  We still have a cousin that does dairy, but he will tell you that it is handled too much to drink it.  Large commercialization of our farms will be the end of things.  It ruins the food and puts quantity over quality.  If you can buy locally produced milk, please do so.  I get goat milk from another cousin that raises dairy goats for his wife's digestion. (She had a hysterectomy that knicked her bowls and became permanently disabled due to the complications from it.  She never could go anywhere without multiple trips to the toilets and diapers and even a toilet in her large conversion van she drove everywhere.  Now she doesn't worry about diapers or frequent visits to keep things under control.  The goat's milk balanced her digestive system with its different enzymes and gave her back her life.) I also encourage people to drink raw milk from farms where they can trust the cleanliness of the dairy handling as raw milk is painted as dangerous just to keep people buying from large milk producers versus small producers that don't use so many machines that taint the milk.  The mechanization of our food industry creates places for bacteria and things to grow if not meticulously sanitized.  Small producers either milk by hand or with just the teet vacuums and handle the milk as little as possible and have equipment that is sanitized far more frequently than commercial dairies.  I would not recommend raw milk for those pregnant, nursing, or trying to get pregnant since the consequences are so severe, but buying organic and/or local as possible is best.  Small farms are also far more ethical when it comes to the treatment of their animals and allow healing of the teets when cracked.  Plus they allow the calf to nurse longer before weeing so the mother can produce.  Commercial farms do none of these things.  Just my soap box for today.

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@suzyQ3 wrote:

I haven't read this thread, so excuse me if I'm repeating something.


We switched from regular non-fat milk to Fairlife non-fat milk. It's ultra-filtered and has  a much more generous sell-by date. It tastes much better as well.


Here is how it compares to normal nonfat milk:


Regular/Organic Skim Milk (Fat Free)per 8oz VS. fairlife® skimper 8oz

nolactose freeyes

@suzyQ3  Agreed, Fairlife milk has very generous expiration dates and tastes so much better than everything else.  I love milk and it's the best around, IMO. Right now we either drink the whole or 2%, haven't tried the skim.  The orignal dairy that supplied the milk is a huge operation in Fair Oaks, IN -  not too far from where we live.  One of the Fairlife owners' kids was in the same high school graduating class as one of our kids.  Very nice family and they give back to the community. 

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Re: A question on MILK

[ Edited ]

Many, many years ago my father was a Milkman with his own truck delivering milk so I grew up with milk and other dairy products.  I love milk but years ago I changed to Non Fat Milk and can no longer drink regular milk.  I love my non fat milk ice cold.  For recipes, I will use regular milk or 2%.

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@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

I haven't read this thread, so excuse me if I'm repeating something.


We switched from regular non-fat milk to Fairlife non-fat milk. It's ultra-filtered and has  a much more generous sell-by date. It tastes much better as well.


Here is how it compares to normal nonfat milk:


Regular/Organic Skim Milk (Fat Free)per 8oz VS. fairlife® skimper 8oz

nolactose freeyes

@suzyQ3  Agreed, Fairlife milk has very generous expiration dates and tastes so much better than everything else.  I love milk and it's the best around, IMO. Right now we either drink the whole or 2%, haven't tried the skim.  The orignal dairy that supplied the milk is a huge operation in Fair Oaks, IN -  not too far from where we live.  One of the Fairlife owners' kids was in the same high school graduating class as one of our kids.  Very nice family and they give back to the community. 

@JeanLouiseFinch, I'm so glad to hear that others like it. We switched when my husband was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and wanted to cut back on sugar and increase protein.


I'm not a milk connoisseur. I mostly use it for cereal. But I definitely can tell that it has a superior taste.


BTW, that change along, with other modifications, helped him get out of the pre-diabetes zone along with several other good results. :-)

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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@SilleeMee wrote:

@Maloyo wrote:

I buy a quart of half & half for my coffee & tea.  Also keep another in the small refrigerator in the office for the same.  Half & half lasts MUCH longer than milk and tastes better, IMO.  I use it in place of milk for the once-in-a-blue-moon times I actually need milk for somehting else.  This does not happen often enough for me to worry about the extra fat and calories.




Me, too. I love whole milk, heavy cream and whole milk Greek yogurt. I don't drink or eat much of those things to make a difference. I would rather enjoy the few things in life that make it worth living rather than gag trying to avoid fat and calories.







i generally make my own yogurt,  but sometimes i need a starter so i do buy only a whole milk yogurt and i make my yogurt with whole milk.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Oh I bet your yogurt is delicious! @sunshine45  yummy!