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Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

I know I don't. I hate that feeling of being over stuffed. It ruins the rest of the day for me. I just eat the same amount that I would for a regular weeknight dinner. I usually don't even eat dessert until later that night. I have noticed that the rest of my family does not either anymore. I think we are all becoming a little more health conscious.

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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

I never have.   By the time you cook all day and taste to make sure everything is seasoned correctly or tastes right, I just have no appetite by the time it is actually time to sit down and eat.  I am not a fan of turkey anyway so just the side dishes and dessert later in the day is fine with me.  Thanksgiving leftover day is better for me.

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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a meal that's not to be missed in my book.  There isn't anything about preparing and cooking this meal.  For me it's all about the savory aromas that permeate throughout my home.  From the deviled eggs and stuffed celery on the appetizer plate to the making of the stuffing with the herbs involved - parsley, sage, rosemary and yes thyme, sauted onions mixed in, to the beautiful bird in the oven with that golden brown crunch to the skin.  Don't forget the mashed potatoes, creamy gravy, rolls to sop up all that goodness, sweet tartness of the cranberries, roasted veggies in the oven. 


Man oh man, I cannot wait until next Thursday.  I hope many of you feel the same way I do.  My family is no longer nor my husband's but it doesn't mean that we are any less greatful for all we've endured in that last few years with his health believe me.  Thursday isn't the one and only day we give thanks, we give thanks every day of the week that we are still together, continue to be healthy, weathy in our own way in having each other.  I hope the same for all of you.


Now, back to the question - do we eat too much in our FIRST sitting?  We eat some of everything, giving thanks that we can and enjoy it all to the fullest. 

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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

Not only do I "pig out" on Thanksgiving, but during the entire season!!  Look forward to it.  I love being more creative with food right now, and trying those special dishes others come up with as well.  I will also look forward to January too, so I can get back on the way I eat the rest of the year.  My speciality item is fudge, by the way.  I'm known for it around these parts.  LOL  Have fun!!   

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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

We have plenty to load a plate but I don't really Pig out.  There"s aways lots of veggies which are steamed or roasted, Cranberry-orange sauce,  Sausage apple stuffing and the turkey.  Wine and Apple Cider are offered with the meal,   Dessert comes after washing the dishes and kettles.  With everybody helping cleanup takes very little time and is such a convivial atmosphere.   

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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

I guess if you count nibbling, tasting, testing while preppring and cooking, I probably qualify. 

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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

I did when I was a kid, but not now.  I love the day after turkey sandwiches.  I'm not fond of hot turkey.  I love the skin, though!  I don't like the stuffed feeling.  

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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

I want to but as I've gotten older I just can not eat like I used to. And I LOVE to eat. I am not concerned about consuming too much fat, suger, salt, etc. at holiday time. Occasional overindulgence is not going to hurt me. I, too, get a lot fuller faster than my younger days when my tummy seemed to be a bottomless pit. My game plan this holiday season is to take small portions of everything, so I get to sample / taste every delicious dish, I will just take a little bit of this, a little bit of that, a little bit of it all.
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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

I try not to overdo it, but stuffing is my catnip . I eat it once a year, and I'm afraid I shovel

it in. I have no regrets,  I have my fill and move on 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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Re: Do You Really Pig Out at Thanksgiving

I've read the average calorie intake for Thanksgiving is 3,500 calories.


And that's "average".  Eeps.