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Registered: ‎03-29-2020

Nasturtiums--too soon to plant?

I live in the cool, damp northwest and I'm wanting to plant nasturtiums. I think it's still a little cool for that but I'm wondering if they can tolerate cool temps for a few weeks till things finally warm up?

Our summers are usually warm but not too hot; we get the occasional heat wave of 90+ degrees for a few days--rarely more than a week. Then we gradually cool off and ease our way into autumn.

Should I reign in my inpatience or is it ok to plant them out (after nicking and soaking them, of course)?

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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Re: Nasturtiums--too soon to plant?

They are hardy to zone 10/11 which means basically a tropical plant.  Th directions for sowing the seed is to wait until 1 to 2 weeks after last frost date.  Since we just had a frost warning last week in N AL (normally LFD 15 APR) I would think it is too soon.  So much for global warming.   This is the 2nd year in a row for frost after the Last Frost Date for my zone.

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Registered: ‎03-30-2014

Re: Nasturtiums--too soon to plant?

Around Portland where I live, I don't think I have seen them.  Not enough sun.


Long ago in a tropical county where I lived, they were almost pests, had to cut them back.