New Contributor
Posts: 2
Registered: ‎08-05-2019

I started buying Susan's clothes around the same time, and wish I fell down this rabbit hole years ago! I find many of Susan's designs to be very classy (and perfect for my job as an educator).

Super Contributor
Posts: 365
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

wish I had SG when I worked. now retired, but tired of sitting around in athletic leggings and sloppy big tops. dressing up, doing face/hair a much nicer mix with my beloved Barbara Bixby jewelry. plus for my never-ending diet: sloppy clothes do NOT inspire me to stay on it, LOL


whether working or retired, I think SG clothes are perfect for any lifestyle. 


glad I'm not the only one slow to get on the SG wagon!
