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@Andreatoo wrote:


Do you not actually read posts before you post in turn?!


Your answers make no sense whatsoever in response to what I said

I'm acknowledging that you said it may be the grey hair making her look older, but not agreeing w/ you.


I am however agreeing w/ many other posts that she is saggy & wrinkly. 


Clear now? Yes, I do read before I post. Thanks.



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I've seen threads about her in the past.  I find it hard to believe that she's 63.  She really looks to be about 15-20 years older.  The funny thing is I just turned 63 and I don't look anything close to her in age.


 I was at a party this afternoon for a neighbor's son who just graduated high school.  Lots of neighbors on the street have been living here for over 20 years.  One of my neighbors told me I look the same as I did (well of course she's exaggerating a bit!) as when our kids were in elementary school.  


This woman does have a very cool & edgy look...but she's not 63!

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@katiemichelle wrote:

I think it was probably Iris Apfel that she was confused with.  I could see that.



Smiley LOLSmiley LOLSmiley LOL

That thar is funny, I don't care who you are!!

~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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@Andreatoo,I Just put up a thread with Cindy Joseph's pictures.