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Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

I didn't see a thread for today, so I thought I'd get one out here.


We broke a record here yesterday - 62 degrees.  Just not natural I tell ya, lol.


Work is busy but good, the day is flying by like a shot.


How is your day going?

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

Where is everyone? It's another warm, gorgeous day after a night of heavy rain.  I have a lot to do today - get some books mailed to someone in prison, get stuff listed for sale, make six dozen cupcakes...


Bird, my cousin in Michigan said she has the windows open. I'm loving this weather - it's like winter in Hawaii!  Cat Happy


I'll check in later - have a blessed day, everyone!


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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

It's  gorgeous here in the Phoenix area. Rained this morning and in the 40's - 50's now. Not supposed to get to warm. The Flagstaff area had lots of snow. I know you probably thing that's nuts to love rain and cold but here we look forward to the change from the constant sunny days.

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

 Hello Ladies....thanks for starting is's nice the day is flying by at work......I was sorry to read the other day your moms last kitty passed away....


Meowing kitty...welcome ..we have several ladies her that have cats...check back anytime, always nice to see a new face,


Arlene it's in the 60's here but very foggy all day...good luck in your cupcake baking.  


Just  ordered a few more last minute gifts (not from q) so I am done.   No tree yet....but we'll get there.  Now to figure out Christmas dinner and whose coming!

hAve a nice afternoon everyone........Marijane

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Bernie - Thank you for starting us today.  I tried earlier, but it went goofy on me and I gave up.  Glad your workday is going well.  Our temps here have been above normal, last year this time we had snow and it was very cold out.  We are at 58 degrees right now, and we are getting the rain they called for.  I can go without snow, as long as we get the rain to keep up our moisture level.  Okay, enough Weather Channel here.


Arlene -  We had our windows opened the last couple days.  Hope you get the cupcakes done.


Meowing Kitty -  Welcome, glad you are getting the weather you wanted.  We look forward to warm weather this time of year. 


Well, we got the the gifts wrapped yesterday, now I need to get back to doing a little decluttering.  I am trying to do some light decluttering and then really hitting it after the new year.  Hope everyone has a great evening.

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

Marijane -  You must have posted while I was typing, have fun finding a tree.

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

[ Edited ]

Bernie--Thank you for starting the thread. We also had record highs for the date two days in a row. Today, they have dropped to the low 60s with the front coming in with rain and winds.


I didn't work today so I took advantage of the opportunity to run to the city. I had a 30% off coupon from Kohls and needed a casual coat so I thought I would see what they had. I think I'm a popular size as there were few coats in my size but plenty in the smaller sizes.


I eventually found one I liked and tried it on. I liked it and it came home with me. It was on sale half price, and I also used my 30% off coupon. I saved around $130 dollars off the original price. When I finally discovered that coat, I was about to come home and order another one of the Dennis Basso TSV I got but I wanted a slightly lighter weight coat for times it isn't super cold. It fits the bill...and the hood is detachable! I'm not really a hood lover.


I also stopped and dropped off a gift of calorie ladened treats for the vets and staff. They take good care of my mouser when I travel so I always remember them at Christmas time.



**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

Hi everyone, and thanks birdmama for starting us off today. Sounds like everyone is busy, and welcome meowing kitty.

It's very windy here, cloudy and getting cooler as the day goes on, still a bit misty also.

I spent today cleaning in the kitchen, scrubbed cabinets, fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, backsplash, did a few laundry loads of extra blankets, as they smelled funky when I took them out of the 'space bags' they were stored in. Gave the dog a bath, ended up as wet as she was, lol, that almost always happens. Still have very full days right up till my company arrives on Saturday evening. Well more to do, hope everyone has a nice evening. Waves.....

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

Oh, you people that are working so hard are putting me to shame. Having said that, I do go to work tomorrow. In the meantime, I just discovered this funny Christmas shopping tale:


Husband and Wife Christmas Shopping.


A couple were in a busy shopping center just before Christmas. The husband wandered off as she was standing in line, saying something about being back in a little bit.


After getting through the line, the husband wasn't back yet and since they still had more shopping to do, the wife called him on the mobile. ...


The wife said, "Where are you?"


He said " You remember the jewelers we went into about 10 years ago, and you fell in love with that diamond necklace? I couldn't afford it at
the time and I said that one day I would get it for you."


Tears started to flow down her cheeks and she got all choked up. "Yes, I do remember that shop", she replied.


"I'm in the pub next to that."

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Monday, December 14th

Well, I don't need to have the air ducts repaired right now...


I need prayer for a miracle. I've been trying to find someone to fix my air ducts that the cats wrecked. I'm getting outrageous quotes - $125 or more an hour for just running ducts...nothing the cost of materials. (And that's general handymen - not HVAC companies.) I called the community college that has a HVAC program to see if a student who needed some money for the holidays can do it, but Christmas break has started already. I talked to an instructor, and he recommended a friend of his whom he said had the best prices around.
So, why is it I don't need to have the air ducts fixed right now? The heat exchanger in the unit has holes in it the size of quarters and has to be replaced, so I can't use it at all as it's leaking a lot of carbon monoxide. $3000, unless he can find a deal.
I really, really, REALLY need prayer...meanwhile, I'm thankful that the weather is warm. If it does get cold, I guess I'm going to have to get a couple of room-sized heaters....

I am hating that SOB that I married....if the idiot had changed the beneficiary on his insurance policy instead of "forgetting," I wouldn't have had a fraction of the troubles I'm facing...

I just wanna cry... (I am...)