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@fthunt wrote:

@Mz iMac Disagree................................

I also disagree, while it may not hide them it sure helps!

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@vermint wrote:

I don't wear pantyhose...don't even own a pair anymore...but I don't wear dresses or skirts anymore, either. In my area pants are acceptable at church, funerals, even dressy restaurants. For a more formal occasion, I wear flowy black pants with an appropriate top.

Same for me,  @vermint. In fact, I don't even own a dress or skirt's not me. If the occasion does not permit the wearing of pants or nice trousers, then I simply won't be attending. 

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When I was working, I wore legs pantyhose so I looked nice in my pants....I also wore Spanx.  I have probably 50 pairs unopened in a drawer...have not worn any since retired in 2013....probably should donate to good will😄

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@ScrapHappy wrote:

Does anyone where pantyhose any more?  It seems, at least to me, that pantyhose are really not worn any more.  I put this out there because I have 2 trips coming up and I would like to wear a dress.  But, my legs do not look very nice.  Varicose and spider veins...a lot!  I'm thinking of using a self tanner but I think it would still be visable.  The easiest, minus getting them on, would be wearing pantyhose.  Just wondering.

When we had an occasion to go to a few years ago, I hunted down some pale gray 

pantyhose, as I was wearing a short silk skirt & matching top in medium gray, & was very happy with the look.  I think a pale color is the way to go.

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I still wear pantyhose. If the dress is not a midi or maxi, then pantyhose are needed. I also wear slip shorts when wearing a midi or maxi or if the dress is too transparent.

In the cooler months, I tend to prefer tights.
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I rarely if ever wear dresses but did wear them to a formal wedding as an immediate family member and my dress was just below the knee.  Made sure I wore closed shoes, never hose with strappy or open toe shoes.  EVER


Last family wedding was in a pasture under a beautiful tree.  We all wore boots and jeans.  Best wedding ever.  


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I haven't worn hose in years.   I don't even remember any being sold anywhere but I'm sure they do.   I normally wear dress pants to a wedding or funeral, etc.  I only wear dresses or skirts in the summer where I will wear sandals or flip flops.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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@shoptilyadropagain wrote:

I haven't worn hose in years.   I don't even remember any being sold anywhere but I'm sure they do.   I normally wear dress pants to a wedding or funeral, etc.  I only wear dresses or skirts in the summer where I will wear sandals or flip flops.

Macys still  has them  in the store near me, quite a big display actually so someone is buying them.

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I'm going to a big family wedding in October so I'm wearing an above the knee dress and high heels ( always more comfortable with stockings). Haven't worn stocking in five years but I'm ordering some from Amazon.

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@ScrapHappy  I can't use self tanner on my legs, I get dark spots. Someone here suggested Sally Hanson Airbrush legs makeup. I bought the Beige Glow and you shake it, spray it on your hands and apply it to legs. It is water resistant and takes a couple minutes to put on. The first time I used it, my husband said how nice my legs looked. It was a game changer for me to be able to wear Bermuda shorts. It really covers spots, scars, veins. Thank you to whoever suggested it!