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Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

I notice more ladies just go with bare legs. Just wondered.
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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

I would if I still wore skirts but most days I am in pants. I have one long skirt I wear in the summer but I don't wear hose with it as it mostly covers my legs. I still think with a suit it's better to wear hose as it looks more professional.

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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

Absolutely. I certainly do. There are a few legs in the world that look just fine bare, but I suspect the vast majority would be greatly improved with a little sheer fabric covering!!

I have one GD who works for a company that requires stockings/trouser sox/etc. Also a friend - bank employee - who is required to wear them.

If you're very young and your legs are flawless, go for it. Or with shorts, capris,etc. But not in a dress, suit, or anything else dressy.

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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

yes, i do, especially during the cooler months.

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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

Not me. I go naked legs in the summer and tights in the winter. Hose is dated in my opinion and I never see it anymore.

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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

I wore some under my pants when it was really cold this winter. No point in buying long underwear, since I live in a place where it's more likely to be over 90 than it is under 40, so it was a cheap and quick solution.

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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

Of course. It is a requirement for a lot of professional women, and women who want their legs to look nice. In a lot of venues and situations naked legs look--well--NAKED. And therefore inappropriate.

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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

I absolutely cannot stand pantyhose. I go barelegged in the summer months and tights in the winter/cooler months.

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Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

Except for nuns, I can't think of a single profession that requires pantihose. In my world women with unattractive legs wear pants or longer length skirts. I'm sure somewhere women are still wearing pantihose on a regular basis, I think older, very conservative types. I can't even remember the last time I wore a sheer pantihose. In cold weather I wear opaque tights, a sheer opaque with skirts. Black or deep navy. In spring/summer, I go bare legged. I don't care for self tanners but I do use Jergen's bronzing lotion and that gives my legs color.

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: Does anyone still wear pantyhose?

I wear them with certain dresses and suits because of varicose veins. I prefer to wear pants and long dresses so that I don't have to wear them.

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