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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?


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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?


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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?


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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?

A chef--hands down-- no second thoughts --the angels would sing!!!!!Woman Very Happy

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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?

Another vote for a maid.  I hate cleaning, cooking is OK and occasionally I even love it.  

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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?

Not thrilled by either cooking of cleaning but I'd rather have a maid. Perhaps if I didn't have to do both, I'd be more amenable to doing one of them well.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?

Maid - for sure

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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@Mimi 1883   My house hasn't gotten bigger,  my creaky back objects more.

@CrazyKittyLvr2  I hear you. That's what I meant by my house seems bigger - between arthritis in my lower back and knees, it's a lot. 😞

F/N/A luvstogarden
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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?

@Mimi 1883   When my hip started giving me fits I figured get a new hip and I'll be great.


Right before my hip surgery, my opposite knee suddenly hurt.  Dr. said you need a knee replacement. Huh?


So I got a new hip in Sept. of 2018 and a new knee last November.

Now my back bothers all the time and standing makes it worse.  Thank God DD vacuums.


It's just the way it is.  Fix one thing and something else goes to pot.

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Re: Would You Prefer A Maid or Personal Chef?

Maid.  Having a chef is tempting, though.