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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

@JaneMarple wrote:

To think that this happened not too long ago and that US citizens don't know about it has me shaking my head. An INNOCENT young man was brutally murdered because of a LIE!





G-d will judge her accordingly for her actions, I'm sure.

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

Yes @Plaid Pants2, the times and location were hotbeds of hate BUT this was not a defensive move on her part.  She initiated the hatred and cruelty against the boy by telling a lie. 

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

I read about this deadly tragedy. I suppose it's better that the woman finally admitted she lied, but it's way too late to save that poor kid who was assassinated (not executed). For years we've been told that Emmett Till was railroaded. Now we have more proof.

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

I just don't have the stomach to read the book, I'll be the first to admit

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

Emmett's poor mother wanted an open casket so the world could see what had happened to her son.  

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

@MyGirlsMom  I saw an old shot of him after the murder, in the article I read.  I must say, I kept waking up in the night ,with it on my mind.  I wish I would have never seen it.  I have trouble after ,trying to wipe it out of my consciousness

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

@cherry wrote:

@Plaid Pants2  this happened 62 years ago, in Miss, I believe. The link doesn't work for some reason.



Cherry, after you cut and paste a link, you need to highlight it and click on the underline box ... that will make it a workable link.

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

I really don't have any sympathy for her. 

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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

Emmett Till was only 14 years old when he was falsely accused of coming on to a white woman, then beaten and killed.


The face of that beautiful child was unrecognizable.



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Re: Woman admitted she lied on the stand

Sometimes I feel so grateful certain things came to pass in my lifetime.  Things I was here to see or hear come about.


The truth about the innocence of Emmett Till is one of those things.