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Sadly, I don't know how we can stay protected. Everywhere we go, we touch things. At the office, doors, printers, pens, papers, phones. I was just at the grocery store, being very careful not to touch my face but I don't know who touched what I purchased and what I'm bringing in my home. 


Tomorrow, I'll be attending a Business Meeting with over 100 people, it is a mandatory meeting. How many people there will be sick and not know it yet. 


I've been taking my lunch but there are times when I have to stop and eat out. 

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From what I'm hearing, the majority of face masks are produced in China. That's a problem.  Other sources are cranking them out as fast as they can. 


In the meantime, masks are being conserved, primarily for those at the bedside. Locally, they have even eliminated the annual face mask fit test, to avoid any wasted masks. Let's hope people aren't lax in remembering how to seal the masks securely.   


We warehouse lots of supplies, but it's probably not considered cost effective to significantly overstock items.  It's always -- the bottom line. 


Ventilators are an example. We could never keep enough of such costly equipment for a catastrophic pandemic, nor would we likely have enough staff to attend to so many critical patients. 


I'm still pretty sure that we've got this thing and it will not escalate to a historic health event. The flu has done enough damage this season, already, which hasn't received its deserved attention.    





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I thought the gov had warehouses with large numbers of masks for health care workers and military--not last minute buying.


Are health care workers required to work if they are not propery protected?  I would think they would call in sick.

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@Kachina624 wrote:

@KarenQVC wrote:

Why not enough face masks for heath care workers?


I thought the gov kept enuf of these for at least the beginning of a pandemic.  Am I wrong?

@KarenQVC    Because individuals are buying huge quantities of them and hoarding them, perhaps to resell at exorbitant prices.

Some are selling on Ebay for $150 for one box of Curad Anti-Viral masks. Ridiculous!

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It's not just masks. It's spreading to other products. I went to Sam's Club today and our local club is out of Clorox Cleaning Wipes, powdered milk, Kleenex (Anti-Viral), Neosporin, and some brands of toilet paper. They said people are coming in and buying large quantities. My kids are cashiers at our local grocery store. I asked the store manager if corporate has a plan in place. He said they will eliminate delivery of groceries. If they can't supply facemasks for the employees they will look at other options (limited hours) but their priority is to keep their employees safe. 

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@KarenQVC Face masks have an expiration date that can be lessened with improper storage. Keeping huge supplies that are up to date can be a challenge and there's a lot of wasted product.


Health care workers are unsung heroes. I don't know a single one who would abandon their patient, or call in sick, in the midst of a crisis.  



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If they start regular testing it will be showing up all over the US.

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I don't know what you are referring to but the face masks are for the patients, to prevent transmission.  And it has to be certain type of face mask  They aren't all the same.  No.  The government is not the great keeper of face masks.

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You DO NOT need a mask UNLESS you are sick.

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Heard on TV today that the Coronavirus bacteria is so small that it can pass through a mask.  This was a physician talking.  He said if you are healthy you do not need a mask, but if you are sick you should wear one when you go out so you don't spread your germs to healthy people.  Some of this stuff is really getting ridiculous.  Like the lady that asked on one of the forums here, what are you stocking up on?  What is that going to do?  Man, people really freaking out over this stuff.  Just use your common sense.