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Re: What's With All the Praying?

wow how some people think just amazes me. For me when I hear have a blessed day it is said to mean hope you have a nice day, hope nothing bad happens to you or someone you care about. Never thought it had to do with whether a person believes in god or not. Never thought like some on here do but that is your way of understanding the saying.

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Re: What's With All the Praying?

I'm tired of beating my head against the wall - now we are on to the Air Force.


I am talking about QVC hosts.  


I'm off to sleep.  No blessings for anyone, just wishes for a good rest of the night.



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Re: What's With All the Praying?

@Pearlee wrote:
. My comment is that it's not appropriate for a QVC host to say religious or political stuff.  What's the problem?  Why not change  well wishes as I've suggested multiple times on this thread to include people who don't believe in blessings stuff?  I'm not telling everyone in the world to do that - I'm talking about the aprpropriate things a QVC host should say to his or her audience. Good grief - some people really either don't read correctly or miss the point by a longshot.  Unreal!  


I think one of the hosts you hear saying it a lot is Jennifer Coffey. She is from the south, and it is probably second nature for her to say it. It is her "thing." Should she have to stop and think about offending someone before she says it? That would be really hard. I think it comes from her heart. She seems like a nice person, and that expression is part of who she is. I hope she doesn't stop saying it. 


We've all had to be a little more conscious about what comes out of our mouths than we used to. I certainly don't want to offend anyone, but I also don't want to have to think about every single thing I say! Smiley Happy

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Re: What's With All the Praying?

I'm thinking that quite a few host say have a bless day. My thoughts are they are wishing a person a good and safe day and hoping that things go well for a person. What is so terrible about that? Can't undrstand how four words can upset any one.

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Re: What's With All the Praying?

@Pearlee wrote:

@NoelSeven wrote:

I am frequently in groups of people of a faith that is not mine, and I get good wishes for days that mean nothing to me.


I take it in stride as someone wishing me the best rather than using it as an excuse to get angry.


Life is too short for always being ticked off.

I am not angry in the least.Or offended, or crabby, or everything else people have accused me of on this thread. My comment is that it's not appropriate for a QVC host to say religious or political stuff.  What's the problem?  Why not change  well wishes as I've suggested multiple times on this thread to include people who don't believe in blessings stuff?  I'm not telling everyone in the world to do that - I'm talking about the aprpropriate things a QVC host should say to his or her audience. Good grief - some people really either don't read correctly or miss the point by a longshot.  Unreal!  


And I do believe 95%-plus people go by Merriam Webster's first definition of "blessing" when using and hearing that term - not the third definition.



I didn't mention crabby or the meaning of the word blessing... speaking of people who don't read correctly.


Many here don't have a problem with it, IMO they shouldn't have to go without just because it makes you angry.


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Re: What's With All the Praying?

@Pearlee wrote:

I'm tired of beating my head against the wall - now we are on to the Air Force.


I am talking about QVC hosts.  


I'm off to sleep.  No blessings for anyone, just wishes for a good rest of the night.



I brought up the Air Force because it does relate to what we are talking about here. You said it is inappropriate for the hosts to say it and that was similar to the complaint that the Air Force received from the woman who reported that. She said she found the greeting to be a notion that the military community should believe  a higher power has an influence on how her day should go. I think it relates to what you are talking about because the AF takes concerns about religious freedom seriously and they found it consistent with AF standards.


You have a good night too.

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Re: What's With All the Praying?

@NoelSeven wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@NoelSeven wrote:

I am frequently in groups of people of a faith that is not mine, and I get good wishes for days that mean nothing to me.


I take it in stride as someone wishing me the best rather than using it as an excuse to get angry.


Life is too short for always being ticked off.

I am not angry in the least.Or offended, or crabby, or everything else people have accused me of on this thread. My comment is that it's not appropriate for a QVC host to say religious or political stuff.  What's the problem?  Why not change  well wishes as I've suggested multiple times on this thread to include people who don't believe in blessings stuff?  I'm not telling everyone in the world to do that - I'm talking about the aprpropriate things a QVC host should say to his or her audience. Good grief - some people really either don't read correctly or miss the point by a longshot.  Unreal!  


And I do believe 95%-plus people go by Merriam Webster's first definition of "blessing" when using and hearing that term - not the third definition.



I didn't mention crabby or the meaning of the word blessing... speaking of people who don't read correctly.


Many here don't have a problem with it, IMO they shouldn't have to go without just because it makes you angry.


Uh-oh! You are going to get into trouble just like I did by using the word offended. She said she wasn't angry!!!! lol!

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Re: What's With All the Praying?

@Pearlee wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@Pearlee wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

I am an Atheist and I find absolutely nothing wrong at all with saying have a blessed day but I am not looking to be offended.

I don't see anyone on this thread looking to be offended.  As I stated in my post above, I'm not offended in the least.  I think it's inappropriate, and the posts agreeing with me are expressing the same.  There are  ways of wishing people a good day without imposing one's own beliefs on them.  Again, I think it's inappropriate and actually self-centered of the hosts not to include everyone in their well wishes for a nice day.  I don't believe in "blessed" days, so the hosts aren't including me in their well wishes, and are being short-sighted thinking they are wishing everyone listening to them a nice day.




Wow. Do you get this "vocal" when someone wishes you a merry Christmas? Do you put them in their place, right then and there, that you do NOT want them pushing their religion down your throat?


Or, do you just smile, accept the well wish, in the spirit that it was intended?

Wow back at you.

None of the above.



So, you don't like it when a host wishes the viewers to have a blessed day, because that is them "shoving religion down your throat", but you are a-okay with someone wishing you a merry Christmas, when Christmas is steeped in religion.


I take it then that we won't see any posts from you this Christmas season complaining about the hosts wishing the viewers to have a merry Christmas?

Do you not see that you are not offering enough choices?  Is everything in your world black or white? Perhaps if you had not started your previous post off with a "Wow" I would have told you what I do.  You offer up two alternatives....there are many. You just don't think of them.


It doesn't matter if there are only two choices, or octillion choices. 


You (obviously) don't like it when the hosts wish their viewers to have a blessed day, because in your opinion, that is "shoving religion down your throat" and is EXclusive, rather than INclusive.


What is the heart of Christmas about? It's about a special little baby being born.


Churches hold special service to celebrate the birth of this little baby.


Would you not say that Chistmas is a religious day to a lot of people?



So, if Christmas is a religious day, then what are people doing, when they wish you a merry Christmas? They are spreding religion, and in effect, "shoving it down your throat". 


So, on a religious scale of 1 - 10, where 1 is "have a blessed day", then "have a merry Christmas" is surely a 10. And if a 1 has you this "vocal", then a 10 should have you spitting nails, because you know that the hosts will be wishing their viewers to have a merry Christmas.


If wishing viewers to have a blessed day is "religious", then wishing viewers to have a merry Christmas is REALLY religious.


But if you are a-okay with the hosts wishing viewers to have a merry Christmas, then it should big deal if they wish viewers to have a blessed day.


If you are going to be "vocal" about one, then you're going to be "vocal" about the other.


You can't have it both ways. If you do, then you are nothing more than just a hypocrite. 

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Re: What's With All the Praying?

Since God is everywhere, then God is in all of us, and as such, wishing anyone a blessed or any other kind of positive day, simply sends positive energies. You don't have to be of any or even no religion to feel positive energy.


"God" can also be the Universal Spirit, the Source, and so on and so on, and not bound by any one religion.


This is not meant to be preachy, but I just finished rewatching Wayne Dyer's The Shift and since it's free to September 8, can recommend anyone who is interested to take a look.  Even the first 20 minutes will be well worth your while.  It's the farthest thing from someone standing on a stage and lecturing.  It's movie-like, has intertwined stories, and is set at Asilomar on the Monterey coast.  It's enjoyable as entertainment alone.

Adelina had been kind enough to post the link over on the RIP Wayne Dyer thread.

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Re: What's With All the Praying?

@Pearlee wrote:

@Irshgrl31201 wrote:

I agree. I feel it is hard to have discourse with people who take issue with someone wishing them life and all its fullness conducive with happiness and welfare. Whether that makes you aggravated, displeased, resentful, hurt, put out, vexed, resentful, etc.. (but not offended), I don't understand how that could be considered inappropriate, self centered or short sighted.

I don't believe in "blessings" so that person is not wishing me anythiing of  any meaning to me.  Which goes back to my original point - if the hosts want to be all inclusive, just say "have a wonderful rest of the day" or whatever, without the religious overtones (again - see the FIRST  meaning in Merriam Webster for "blessing"). That is my point for which apparently Smaug thinks I am crabby and which many here mistake for taking "offense."  "Have a blessed day" is absolutely meaningless to me other than it tells me someone wishing me that assumes I believe what he or she does, when I don't.




If someone wishing you to have a blessed day is "absolutely meaningless to you", then when someone says that to you, it should just roll right off of your back. 


But with all of this kvetching that you are doing, I find that rather hard to believe.


Not only that, but YOU are the one who is assuming that the person saying it is religious, when in fact, they very well might not be.


Now, have a blessed day, sweetie.



And no, I'm not religious.


See how that works?



:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)