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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

1."we're all looking forward to summer" ---sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not---I hate the heat, humidity, and high A/C bills.........Woman Frustrated


2. Fri-YAY! 


3. Let's go through the colors one more time...............



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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

[ Edited ]

@Teddixat wrote:

@Highlands72   ocre is a color.   There is no other way to pronounce it other than oh ker


@Teddixat wrote


Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

OKRA instead of OCRE. Why don't they know it's pronounced OH KUR not OH KRA




If you had spelled ocher correctly in the post to which I first responded, I might have had a firmer grasp on your pronunciation issue. 


I watch the cooking/kitchen shows (rarely fashion); thus my mind went immediately to the "food" category.



edited to add: 


I live in the American south (sort of), and most of my family are in the northeast of England. We all speak the English language, but there are times when pronunciations vary and may make it difficult to understand one another. We even spell colour/color ochre/ocher differently.

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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

@caroln242 wrote:

Joe Namath saying "you need to get everything you're entitled to".


Those medicare commercials play every 5 minutes.



I agree and also Tom Selleck trying to sell reverse mortgages.  They both must be making a boat load of money on these commercials.  

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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

Only order of the year.......

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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

"Oh no, you won't believe what the dog did now."

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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

"She (or he) was recently a guest on the podcast of 'such and such' celebrity."


Just an fyi that "podcast" is supposed to mean "portable on demand broadcast."  The podcast does seem like an informative modem and is pre-recorded, but I'm just tired of the phrase and/or term, lol.

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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

I know it has been said several times already but I am going to go ahead and say it again....."Fri-Yay". The word...and the show itself for that matter is cringe!

"Stinkin cute"



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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

[ Edited ]

10,000 sold "on the day" ..
What does "on the day" really mean? Why not just say today?

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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

(Well, ever) Expect damaging winds and large-sized hail.

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Re: What phrase do you not want to hear this week?

@tototwo wrote:

You took 'the word' right outta my mouth, @Judaline !   I never want to hear the word transparent again unless someone is talking about Saran Wrap!

 @tototwo Woman LOLWoman LOLWoman LOL