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Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?


Made some fruit ice cubes the other day to enjoy this weekend.

I have strawberries and blueberries and started with an empty

ice cube tray. Filled it with some berries and mixed some into

each of the slots. Fill full with water. Next day enjoy.


Slip one or two into your ice tea or drink of choice. Takes some

time to melt but then you can just eat the fruit. Looks so pretty.

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Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

[ Edited ]

 My friends and I had shopping lunch mani/pedi plans but we ditched that plan and met for breakfast at 8am this morning.  Great breakast, lots of catching up and girl talk and I was home by 10:30.  Where I will remain all day.  I'm binge watching Stranger Things and I'll do my own mani/pedi.  If it cools off after the sun goes down, hubby and I will probably go out for dinner.  That's a big "if".  We like sitting out on the outside patio at our favorite restaurant and last night, it never did cool off.  There was no evening breeze.  It stayed hot, sticky, muggy all night long.

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Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

Staying in and doing stuff around the house. Did all my errands/grocery shopping yesterday starting at 8:30 am...was 100 degrees by 11 am. Was finally done by 2 pm. No oven food planned for the next few days due to the heat; cold pasta salads and stove-top dishes. All the shades are drawn, AC is on, Attic fan is whirling and ice cream is on the list tonight. 


Stay cool everyone!!

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Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

Staying inside. DH walked dog at 7 am. He & I already did regular Saturday morning house cleaning. I’ve been reading & posting here while laundry is going. DH watching a DVD. Will probably watch a movie myself later. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

Going to my nephew's HS graduation party in couple of hours. We are in an excessive heat warning.  I'll only stay a little while then come home and take a nice relaxing shower.


I worked from 6am to 9:30am. Then went grocery shopping.

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Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

Ugh I really need to clean and I’m sooooooo procrastinating it. I just organized my cold cut drawer in an effort to delay the vacuuming. Got the a/c cranking and closed all the blinds about 90%. Stay cool peeps.

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Registered: ‎06-16-2015

Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

[ Edited ]

In Seattle we are celebrating 70+ degree weather because we have had on and off rain and cold followed by one or two days of low 70's. This week is supposed to be in the high 70's....perfect for me. I don't like extreme heat, and we rarely get that here. I'll be outside on my patio today. I've never had air conditioning and have never needed it. Unless the temps get into the 80's, the insulation of my house keeps it at 70 degrees through all seasons.

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Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

Severe thunderstorms went through the area so I went out and picked up twigs, branches, and pinecones. Now round two is coming through the area. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

I am going to the movies. 🎟🎬

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Registered: ‎04-06-2010

Re: What are you doing Saturday in the extreme heat?

Second round of storms coming through west Michigan right now (about an hour from Lake Michigan). Temps and dew points are both dropping. I am enjoying the rain and thunder out on my patio. Will attempt to read, but will probably end up taking a nap, lulled by the rain.