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Registered: ‎05-15-2014

We stopped with the card and gift thing years ago.  Though I think it's sweet that many of you still carry this on.   We decided  nice dinners and lots of vacations is way better than cards and chocolates.  We just say "I love you" each and everyday and that's good enough for me Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎04-24-2010

Yes.  This year DH gave me a handmade card with a personal handwritten sentiment Heart

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

One thing I have to give my husband - he picks out cards like nobody's business.  He will go to multiple stores until he finds the exactly right one.  I guess he also takes the dog and bird with him because they also give me great cards.  (I don't know how he sneaks them out of here!)  Smiley Very Happy


We exchanged cards. I got a cash gift in mine (my fav gift and he knows that so it spares him ever having to shop - win/win!).   The card he gave me was beyond.   I don't even know how he does it.


TBH, I don't love card-shopping.  I try to do well but I don't seem to go out of my way.  He seems appreciative, so I guess I do ok.  Smiley Happy

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Posts: 12,384
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

My husband & I still exchange Valentine cards, but not gifts. I sent a Valentine text message with a cute photo to all my family and close friends earlier today. Some live in town & some hundreds of miles away. I just wanted them to know I was thinking of them today.