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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

On 3/19/2014 glb613 said:

Who buys a ""My Little Pony"" backpack for a boy? Kids are cruel and he's going to be a target.

It all goes back to the fact that so many people have lost all common sense. Just look around and you will see evidence of that everywhere you look.

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

On 3/18/2014 ROMARY said:

We had one bully in school, and we all ran and scattered in all directions when she approached. But we managed to live through it. I've often wondered what type of person she is now. ............ p.s. Now that I'm thinking about it, none of us even mentioned it to our parents. Guess in those days we dealt with everything ourselves. That's all I can think of, anyway.

She is probably right here posting {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

From what I have seen about this story, this child has been failed on two fronts.

The school is so wrong on this topic. All schools should be teaching acceptance and tolerance, and stop suspending little boys who turn their fingers into guns on the playground and start worrying about what is really hurting kids in school everyday. Bullying by students and the administration to conform.

Secondly, his mom or family needs to realize that this is a tough world. It isn't ideal that we have to warn young kids that their choices that don't conform to society's norm can lead to unfavorable consequences, but it isn't fair we have to teach stranger danger, and anti drug campaigns at a young age either. One of a parent's most important job is to raise a strong child. That means preparing them for what happens when you step outside society's norm, and helping them to be strong enough to handle that when they want to exercise their differences, and demanding that the educational environment you put them in adheres to policies of acceptance and inclusion.

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

On 3/18/2014 SydneyH said:

I thought they asked the boy to leave the backpack at home, which I agree with......

I also agree with that decision.

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

On 3/18/2014 hyacinth003 said:

This is the real world.

If I had a son, I would not have bought him this kind of backpack. I would explain it to him and have him choose a different one.

I would let him watch the show and have other toys in the line for home, but not a backpack for school. I think he could be made to understand.

I would rather deal with reality. Is it right? No. It's not a hill I would want to die on for my son.


From what I have seen in my lifetime of a kid trying to follow their heart, unfortunately, the world isn't ready for them and I wouldn't allow my kid to be the punching bag of the ones who attack anyone different.

Some parents, although, well intentioned have causes they wish to promote and use their kids to do so. But why subject your innocent child to the ugliness that will ensue? And it will happen. There is gender identity in this world no matter how much we protest. Using your kid to rally against it, is a sure-fire way to make that kid's life a heyday for all the bullies out there just waiting for a victim.

Like you said this is the real world and protecting our kids from bullying and teaching them how to live in it, is part of our job as a parent...

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

The reality is that most kids want to fit in at this age. Actually I think people want to fit in at any age, but sometimes later see rebellion as another way of doing that.

In any case, despite the PC mantra that any self expression is good and must be not only tolerated, but even embraced by others, that just doesn't happen in real life.

I'm sorry he was bullied - and yes the other kids should be punished for physically and emotionally abusing him, but that won't make them accept him - and will probably - at least for awhile - make the situation worse.

He may be enjoying the attention he's getting - with his parents and others celebrating his courageous attempt to make everyone accept his diversity, but when the cameras go away, I think this is just going to be miserable for him.

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

It's one thing to be bullied by people who don't know you. That's bad.

But to be propelled into the limelight (by your MOTHER!) and USED as some sort of symbol -- when you're obviously much too young to fully comprehend what's going on --- is WORSE than being bullied by strangers, IMHO.

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

If asking the boy to leave the backpack at home defuses the situation till the problem is addressed then I agree with the school. Does not mean the bullies have won.

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

This kid should have been allowed to bring to school whatever he liked period.If he wanted to go to school with flip flops thats his choice.With so many gay people coming out no one has a problem anymore(well some anyway)These bullies should be punished and the teachers DO NOT DO ANYTHING.I always taught my son never make fun of any one and to this day he doesn't. These bullies learn this starting at home heck i see it here with grown women on these boards.Shame on the school. I'm not saying this kid is gay but the way some of them dress and i see it i never once made fun.

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Re: School Bans Boy's My Little Pony Backpack SAYS IT'S A 'TRIGGER FOR BULLYING'

Backpacks with characters or other designs should probably not be allowed.