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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

We were coimng home from my 20th HS reunion.  We were  laughing, entering our home.  My Mom babysitting our kids, said "I guess you didn't hear the news...."  No more laughing. 


I'm a huge Princess Diana fan (never a fan of Charles)  I got up to early watch their wedding, and stayed up all to watch the coverage of her death. 



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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

Mary Bailey wrote:

I got up to early watch their wedding, and stayed up all to watch the coverage of her death. 



I did both those things too! Wow that wedding was so early here!  I can't believe I got up to watch that!

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

Thanks for the thread OP, it was a very sad day for many people even if we didn't know her personally.


I fear the tabloid readers will soon descend on the thread and will gleefully post gossip about her personal life. Woman Sad

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

I so clearly remember the exact moment when I heard on TV about her accident.  It was early evening in southern california.  Sun still shining, when I saw the news, I just said "Oh no, no, no!"  Not more bad fortune for her.  I started to cry.  My first thought was to blame Charles for her death.  If he hadn't selfishly done what he did, they would still be married and she would be alive and the boys would not have lost their mum. I still hold him responsible today.  And it makes me sick to see Charles and Camilla together waiting for the crown with Diana's death on their heads.  They got what they wanted.  Her story is so tragic.  I became quite obsessed with buying many books on her life.  I even purchased the rose that was dedicated in her name.  And stayed up all night to watch her funeral which started at 1:00am in California.  So so sad.  I could not get her out of my mine for weeks, because she had gotten such a raw deal from Charles in her marriage. And now this.  I felt like I had lost a close personal friend.  I always think how Diana and Kate would have gotten on fabulously together and would have shared many wonderful happy times. And picture Diana with her grandchildren. William would have loved it.

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

My mother called me and told me to turn on CNN.  When I went to bed that night the word had not come in that she had died.  When I woke up the next morning, I saw the headline and was brokenhearted.  I cried so much for her, especially the day of the funeral. 

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

I was staying up late and heard the news on TV.  At the time I paid attention to her because we were almost the same age.  


If they'd only stayed at the hotel.  Or she could still be alive and as broke as Fergie.

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

@blahblahvampemerblah wrote:

I was staying up late and heard the news on TV.  At the time I paid attention to her because we were almost the same age.  


If they'd only stayed at the hotel.  Or she could still be alive and as broke as Fergie.





She was the ex wife of THE Prince of Wales and received a nice settlement.

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

I should have added in my previous post that I saw the Diana exhibition at Foxwoods when it was in America a few years back.  That wedding gown was stunning in person - the beading and handiwork was not visible on TV or in photos.  Then to see her other clothes.  I'll never forget rounding a corner in the exhibition and there was video of the funeral.  Awful.  Just awful.  I, too, think very little of Charles and the rest of the Royal Family, except for the two boys.  They will always be special - as will their families - to anyone who cared for Diana.

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Re: Princess Diana - R.I.P. 18th Anniversary of Her Death

We were watching TV in bed.  My husband was half asleep.  I never thought her injuries would be fatal.  I think that was the week so many young girls became enamored with William.


Even on a thread discussing our memories of that night, it turns ugly.  There was no need to bring up C&C.