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@60sgirl wrote:

based on the fact that I often get confused on these long threads and can't even tell who is insulting whom and who is agreeing with whom., it would be safe to say I wouldn;t be on the invite list.


In fact, at times lots of it goes right over my head. 


I just like conversation that is straightforward and has no snark pretending to be compliments i.e. I thought one of these posts was insulting sidsmom for her post which seemed kinda snarky to me but then she expressed a thank you and polite conversation ensued.   #Don'tGetThat


I like the way you phrased that, @60sgirl.  That's the way they do it at Downton Abbey.  That's EQ in action!

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Just pointing out that what is usually called EQ has pretty much nothing to do with IQ.

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@Noel7 wrote:



Just pointing out that what is usually called EQ has pretty much nothing to do with IQ.

Hi @Noel7

I'm well aware.  (I'm surprised you would think I was not.)


There were plenty of posts on this thread about IQ and those with high IQ (corrected to say IQ, not EQ) having "difficult" personalities and this led to mentions of the emotional quotient.

I posted about it earlier, referencing a former philosophy shampoo that had a reference to both IQ and EQ taken from the 1995 book "Emotional Intelligence."

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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@GingerPeach wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:



Just pointing out that what is usually called EQ has pretty much nothing to do with IQ.

Hi @Noel7

I'm well aware.  (I'm surprised you would think I was not.)


There were plenty of posts on this thread about IQ and those with high EQ having "difficult" personalities and this led to mentions of the emotional quotient.

I posted about it earlier, referencing a former philosophy shampoo that had a reference to both IQ and EQ taken from the 1995 book "Emotional Intelligence."





Sorry, I didn't mean it as a slight. Someone made a connection on the line.  There are people who take it literally, probably most do because of the inclusion of the word intelligence and throwing it all in the same basket.



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That's OK.  (I actually had to go back to correct my post from "high EQ with difficult personalities" to "high IQ with difficult personalities."


All is well! @Noel7

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Does anyone remember Tom Peters and his newspaper column and books back in the 80s?  He wrote about personalities in the business world and how to be effective at work, etc. 


He also used to say that he'd rather hire someone who was willing to learn and a kind person (or words to that effect) than someone who "knew it all" but had a grating personality.  (Again, I'm paraphrasing.)

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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You might be interested in reports online that many leaders are sociopaths, which would mean they probably don't read emotion well.


Forbes has a report on the link between leadership and psychopathy.

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@Noel7 wrote:



You might be interested in reports online that many leaders are sociopaths, which would mean they probably don't read emotion well.


Forbes has a report on the link between leadership and psychopathy.

I just heard something similar to that today on NPR.  I didn't hear the word "sociopath" actually used, but the parts I did hear sounded "as if."  @Noel7

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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@Bestdressed wrote:

OT @60sgirl  I like your avatar picture... Is it Cecil?

yes, lovely Cecil

I'm done with P.C. Just say what you mean and mean what you say. It's easier.
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@GingerPeach wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:



You might be interested in reports online that many leaders are sociopaths, which would mean they probably don't read emotion well.


Forbes has a report on the link between leadership and psychopathy.

I just heard something similar to that today on NPR.  I didn't hear the word "sociopath" actually used, but the parts I did hear sounded "as if."  @Noel7





I think a lot of people hesitate using either word, sociopath or psychopath.  Some years ago they were very different, then someone went for an umbrella term and it's been a debate ever since.  Ridiculous, imo.