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No, I have no interest, in keeping tabs!


I will say, over the years,  there have been, and still are, posters, whose nics 

I recognize immediately. I instantly know, what the tone of their post will be, and, not because, they're so nice🤓



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I don't keep tabs or follow posters, but after enough time here, you do remember people and their various views, interests, opinions, circumstances they have shared and whether they are someone you care to engage with or not.


In some of the smaller forums, like Home and Holiday, we get to know each other a little better than in the bigger ones like Community Chat.

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You do get to know what's what and who's who after a while on these forums. It's not place I arrived at through active deliberation, but rather through incidental learning. And it is MAJOR, when you're treated poorly. And it is also MAJOR, when you're treated very well.

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You can't help but notice some traits.  One in particular has an established pattern of following certain posters and always hearts and supports troll attacks directed their way. 


On the other hand, it's easy to remember posters who are kind and compassionate.   There are a lot of really nice people here.  

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[ Edited ]

Smoky wrote:

JaneMarple wrote:

There are posters here who simply don't like another because of "group think", instead of being an indepent thinker they decide to go with the crown and dislike someone on account of a mob mentality! I've seen it so many times and it mistifies me.


Yep and when a poster is being torn apart not one person steps in to say anything.  Like I said a while back, I still have posters that won't speak to me ever,  but I considered myself lucky after seeing the "group think" in action, @JaneMarple.


          I'm sorry to know that happened, @Suziepeach.   The issue of stepping into say something and also whether something is a pile-on or group think can be so darned subjective sometimes, though.    It's happened to me, and even then I have to step back and try to figure out if it's really a case of more people who happen to hold the same opinion and who didn't intend to be overwhelming to others.   Probably, if it's been said a few times we make it look like a pile-on if we say it again, and I try to think about that.    Just my personal experience, but inevitably when I see someone try to step in and say something...  they find themselves attacked for not always stepping in on other threads and speaking up.   Suddenly they're supposed to see everything and be the defender of all, and that's not possible.   In all fairness...  not only are we not here all the time, we also don't see every thread nor do we interpret the conversations the same way.  


          At the same time, I think I understand and I definitely do know what it feels like to be in the minority on a thread...  it's not good, it has caused me to stay away at times.    And it's probably a reason we've lost some great posters, and the reason many who have gentle spirits have shied away from expressing their thoughts and sharing their insight.   All of us lose when that happens.




Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
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@Noel7 wrote:

You can't help but notice some traits.  One in particular has an established pattern of following certain posters and always hearts and supports troll attacks directed their way. 


On the other hand, it's easy to remember posters who are kind and compassionate.   There are a lot of really nice people here.  

It happens at leat twice a week @Noel7 Woman Sad

You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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@dooBdoo, it happened twice to me and won't ever happen again.  It was like everyone stepped back, I can understand they didn't want to get involved but I've seen other's, well that was a long time ago.  I am extremely cautious around here.  We are who we are and so be it..

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Lets face it. Some people are just plain mean. There may be many reasons for it, but there is no excuse for it.

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@JaneMarple wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

You can't help but notice some traits.  One in particular has an established pattern of following certain posters and always hearts and supports troll attacks directed their way. 


On the other hand, it's easy to remember posters who are kind and compassionate.   There are a lot of really nice people here.  

It happens at leat twice a week @Noel7 Woman Sad





Oh, yes.  But seriously, it's no crime to look to see who hearts really nasty attacks, especially when it's done over and over. Apparently it never occured to them anyone would find out.

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Posts: 9,055
Registered: ‎05-23-2011


@Noel7 wrote:

@JaneMarple wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

You can't help but notice some traits.  One in particular has an established pattern of following certain posters and always hearts and supports troll attacks directed their way. 


On the other hand, it's easy to remember posters who are kind and compassionate.   There are a lot of really nice people here.  

It happens at leat twice a week @Noel7 Woman Sad





Oh, yes.  But seriously, it's no crime to look to see who hearts really nasty attacks, especially when it's done over and over. Apparently it never occured to them anyone would find out.


I check @Noel7 and most of the hearts don't surprise me at all. Have you noticed that when a certain poster is called out for her passive-aggressive behavior she acts surprised but she is  one of the biggest mud slingers out there?


You Don't Own Me- Leslie Gore
(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson