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Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

Certainly seems so to me. 


I know I’m getting tired of seeing it coyly tossed into a conversation that appears to mean “I don’t like it and I won’t buy it”, 


“Coy” it pretty dated too,  

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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

I am a bit dated, and I don't need to be reminded of it every five  minutes. I prefer to think of myself as a classic, and so are my clothes

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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

Gee, I don't know about that.  You certainly hear that alot on HGTV, and it does mean "it's just a bit dated."

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

I am a HUGE fan of "mid-century modern" that puts me about 50 years behind-the-times............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

I don't think it has to be seen as a pejorative.  

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

@Peaches McPheeOr it means " I don't like what I'm seeing and I'll offer less than asking so the previous owners pay for what I want."



I like some of the "bit dated" homes I've seen better than the remodels.  Could be because I'm uncomfortable with gray walls and floors and stainless steel in homes every bit as much as I dislike cold shoulders and crazy hems on tops and dresses in my clothing.  And I don't even mind being called dated myself.  I know how old I am and how good I am in spite of that age!

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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

No I don't think the phrase is means exactly what it says.  Doesn't seem coy to me at all....."past it's prime" is more coy sounding. Just my opinion.

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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

I saw a man wearing a t shirt that said :  


     I’m Not Old

     I’m Mid-Century Modern


Love it!

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Re: Is the comment “...just a bit dated...” becoming “..just a bit dated...”???

@Magny wrote:

I saw a man wearing a t shirt that said :  


     I’m Not Old

     I’m Mid-Century Modern


Love it!

@Magny   Haha!  I do too! Smiley Happy