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If you still smoke cigarettes

Why do you continue when you know it is so bad for your health, It is very expensive these days to smoke and it is so looked upon as a negative thing by most in society. Just curious.
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

I don't smoke, but I think this question is too personal.

These threads never end well, smoker's sometimes feel disrespected in their private choices and the lectures begin.

They are adults, I would suggest we leave them be in their individual choices.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

Some people tell themselves that they need the cigarettes to help them get through the stresses of the day, etc. I say "baloney", but I would never tell that to anyone who used it as an excuse.

I believe that the mind is a very powerful thing. If you tell yourself that you can't quit, then you are right. If you tell yourself that you will be successful in trying to quit, then you are also right. It is hard work, but it can be done.

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

Nicotine addiction is very real and very hard to kick. As an ex -smoker I can attest to the fact that quitting is not fact it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

On 3/10/2014 Topaz Gem said:

Some people tell themselves that they need the cigarettes to help them get through the stresses of the day, etc. I say "baloney", but I would never tell that to anyone who used it as an excuse.

I believe that the mind is a very powerful thing. If you tell yourself that you can't quit, then you are right. If you tell yourself that you will be successful in trying to quit, then you are also right. It is hard work, but it can be done.

There could be something to that. There have been studies that have shown smoking reduces anxiety. And I remember one that concluded college students who had a cigarette before a test did better than those who did not.

Not a reason to keep smoking, obviously, but it reinforces the feeling that some might have.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

I am a former smoker & straykatz, I completely agree with it being the hardest thing ever to do.

My issue with smokers are the ones that have been diagnosed with COPD, asthma, emphysema, heart issues, chronic bronchitis and other lung diseases, and yet they continue to smoke and make their issues worse. We've a friend that is a serious chain smoker and he coughs and sputters like an engine- I've begged him to stop and all he says is he's cut back. I wish anyone the best when they do give them up- it's the best gift you can ever give yourself!

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

People can smoke, just not around me. I can't stand it.
Posts: 32
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

Why question just smokers and not others who do things that are bad for their health?

I have never been a smoker, but I think it is interesting how smokers are always targeted for their habit yet others get a free pass - or at least aren't openly criticized. There are many others things that people do that is just as bad for their health, if not worse. Many people eat too much or eat unhealthy foods leading to obesity. Others live sedentary lifestyles causing a myriad of health problems. Some eat a lot of fatty foods and red meat, despite having a history of heart problems. There are diabetics that don't monitor their blood sugar as closely as they should.

The issues I noted are just as common, if not more common, than smoking and they add to the exhorbitant healthcare costs that all of us absorb, but for some reason they get a free pass compared to how smokers are treated.

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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

I know very few smokers (cigs). Not in, anymore. They tend to smoke w--d and other things.
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Re: If you still smoke cigarettes

On 3/10/2014 BeagleMama said:

Why question just smokers and not others who do things that are bad for their health?

I have never been a smoker, but I think it is interesting how smokers are always targeted for their habit yet others get a free pass - or at least aren't openly criticized. There are many others things that people do that is just as bad for their health, if not worse. Many people eat too much or eat unhealthy foods leading to obesity. Others live sedentary lifestyles causing a myriad of health problems. Some eat a lot of fatty foods and red meat, despite having a history of heart problems. There are diabetics that don't monitor their blood sugar as closely as they should.

The issues I noted are just as common, if not more common, than smoking and they add to the exhorbitant healthcare costs that all of us absorb, but for some reason they get a free pass compared to how smokers are treated.

I don't agree that obesity gets a free pass, but other afflictions probably do. Since the First Lady chose obesity as her pet project, there has been a lot of attention and work done on the subject. The spotlight has shined on obese people for awhile now, especially with shows like The Biggest Loser and Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition.

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James