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Re: I Just Got My Shingles Shot

DH & I got ours over the spring/summer. My arm was a bit sore, but other than that no big deal. Glad to have it done. I asked my Dr. about it a few years ago, and he recommend we wait til the Shingrix was available, said it was a lot more effective.

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Re: I Just Got My Shingles Shot

Does anyone know whether the original shingles vaccine is still being given? That's all I want to know.

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Re: I Just Got My Shingles Shot

@noodleann wrote:

Does anyone know whether the original shingles vaccine is still being given? That's all I want to know.





Do you mean Zostavax?



Yes, they still make it.

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Re: I Just Got My Shingles Shot

I got my shingles shot (#1) yesterday morning.


Pharm said that 1 in 7 people get *a reaction*.  


I was fine throughout the day although my arm was a little sore even though I couldn't even tell where he injected me.


Last night was a living nightmare.


Went to bed at around 10--unbelieveably tired.


Woke up with a fever at midnight.  DH got me tylenol and brought the thermometer.  Fever was 100.9.


Laid in bed and felt the fever get worse and worse.  Checked again around 2 and it was 101.7.


Just a weird feeling having a fever.  My ears were ringing, incredible headache.  Chills, teeth chattering, wanting to cry.  I could count on one hand how many times as an adult, that I've had a fever.  But once it starts--it's hauntingly familiar.


I slept, finally, after being awake all night practically.  Till like 9:30.  Thought I'd be drained all day, but I feel fine.


Round 2 will be the second week in January.  Can't wait!Woman LOL

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Registered: ‎04-03-2016

Re: I Just Got My Shingles Shot

@Lucky Charm 

I would be DREADING shot #2 like crazy!  I guess I got off easy with chills and tired.   Hope your followup easier.