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Re: Hypocrisy......

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Shorty2U, I had something very similar similar happen over the weekend. A woman I have known in mostly professional or charity circles really went off about the ruling of gay marriage. What a sin, blah, blah, blah. Really hateful though. I very rarely comment on a FB post that is in any way controversial. I have a business and I feel it is best to just keep it zipped in that regard on most controversial subjects. Her post went on and on in a very derogatory manner, not that she just didn't agree with it. Well it happens that about 8 yrs ago she had an affair that not only tore apart her marriage but also busted apart his and he had a wife with 2 kids and one of the way. To be honest, I never really judged her or him for that because what we may think we know, we never really truly know what goes on in others marriages. Knowing this, her post p'd me off so much that I decided to respond. I simply responded that she must have forgotten the sin she committed and was an obvious cherry picker of sins and looked foolish judging others when she failed so majorly. I thought about it before I hit enter because while we aren't what I would consider friends, we do have similar circle of friends. I thought about my business and I said, oh well and hit enter. Within about 4 minutes my post had almost 60 likes and she deleted it in less than 10. She deleted from her friends list and within 24 hrs hours I had almost 20 new friends requests. The point is the amount of people that find that kind of behavior and obvious hypocrisy acceptable is becoming less and less.

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I think more people feel too bullied to say what they really think.


That's the direction many things are heading.


So, just shut down any opinion other than your own.



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Hypocrites and liars get on my last nerve, unfortunately they are everywhere.......

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There is no way on this board to "shut down" someone's opinion, not unless it's done by a moderator. Disagreeing with someone, debating with someone, is not shutting them down.
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Well, my take on this is that while certainly many hypocrits are rather clueless to their own state of being such (they're so immersed in their version of the world or their own myopic truth), most of them know what they're doing on some level or another. Lots of hypocrisy is well orchestrated, calculated and has a mission of one variety or another.


And that is one of the oldest, most vile games known to man. Which is the old game of point-the-finger at something/someone else in an effort to deflect attention away from what people might see you doing..


When they know or sense they've done wrong, hypocrits often start to accuse others or blame others or do or say whatever it takes to deflect attention away from themselves and to put the (oftentimes) false spotlight onto someone else.


For decades one saw it when we consider "moral pillars" who are cheating or the bad behaviors of adults upon children. The truly guilty do everything to deflect the attention away from themselves and shift it onto some (usually already) vulnerable target.


You had it with boy scandals where attention was paid to the wrong people (to be on the watch for) while the true culprits went about being the ones that no one suspected or even bothered to look at.


You hear it all the time when people do wrong but change the subject - sometimes smoothly and othertimes with glaring randomness. Just anything to get the focus off of their actions, stance, beliefs, bigotry, "sins", etc...and put it on someone else.


It why no one should ever take much on its surface or just because someone says something about another group or individual. Usually there is more to their motivation than it first appears.


If these sorts - hypocrits - have a hand in the cookie jar, they use their other hand to point to someone else saying, "I think the cookie bandit went thata'way."


Same when people condemn others. Always highly suspect behavior. There is no need to condemn others unless you have something you don't want people to see in you or to look into something that you're up to.

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Re: Hypocrisy......

[ Edited ]

@Shorty2U wrote:

An old friend I worked with years ago was on facebook bashing the people who will benefit from the new equality in this country, stating horrible things about them and citing the reason behind it as her beliefs.


This is where I get mad. This person had an affair on her husband when I worked with her, got pregnant from that affair, left her husband heartbroken, and shes preaching to others about whats proper and beliefs? SMH!


Understand- I do NOT care what she did or does, BUT then don't mock others with your horrible comments, stating those beliefs, when you don't follow those beliefs yourself!


She's deleted = I don't like hypocrites.

I'm kinda thinking you do.

"Never water yourself down just because someone can't handle you 100% proof."
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Reading your account of acts in the past, it certainly does paint a picture of grief and sadness.  That family really went through a lot of emotional and psychologcal hard times.  I can certainly see where you'd place the blame.  Like a no-brainer.




Now fast forward to this last week.  Even though you cannot forget or ever forgive her for the unpardonable acts from years ago, "now is now" and I believe we're all allowed to have an opinion on this or that regardless of past sins.


Honestly, as adults, and this is difficult, we need to give a little when it comes to times like this.  Now is the time for moving on - for finding another way.

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@NoelSeven wrote:
There is no way on this board to "shut down" someone's opinion, not unless it's done by a moderator. Disagreeing with someone, debating with someone, is not shutting them down.


I am not trying to speak for Hyacinth003, but if you insert an 'o' into, "So, just sh(o)ut down any opinion other than your own," you'll get a better picture of what does happen in the name of disagreeing, debating.

Strive for respect instead of attention. It lasts longer.