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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

It's not my style of Halloween decor (I go for friendly ghosts and bats), but aren't many Halloween decorations creepy, scary, or gory?   If this gets banned....where does it end?  

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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

It would be cool if it was animated.  Sort of like saying Help Me or moving or something like that.  


Never to be used as a practical joke on anyone though.

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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

[ Edited ]

It's a Halloween decoration. If I didn't like it, I'd pass it by.

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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

There are two houses in my neighborhood that have these, permanently, looking over their wooden fences each are holding binoculars. They live across the street from his ne another. One was first, then the neighbor put one up. I think they are jokes, unless they also serve a dual purpose if they have cameras for security desguised in the binoculars.

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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

@croemer wrote:

Yeah, guess it depends on how it is used. It would scare the bejezzus out of me if stuck on my car window or something. Guess I just do not feel strong enough it should be removed.

@croemer   It could be worse.......some costumes could be scarier.


Image result for whataburger halloween costume

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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

@Bird mama wrote:

I'm sorry I think it's funny.

I do too, if creepy looking... and I'm a big believer in letting the marketplace decide... If people want it, I think they should be able to purchase it... If they don't then it won't sell... To me, I'd never have assumed the thing as pictured is specifically a peeper.

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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

It's along the same lines as realistic Rubber Snakes.

Well, it IS Halloween, after all.

Rubber Snakes...ooooof. 

That gives me the willies just typing that!


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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

An evil clown peeper would be scarier.

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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

@Bird mama wrote:

It would be cool if it was animated.  Sort of like saying Help Me or moving or something like that.  


Never to be used as a practical joke on anyone though.

@Bird mama   There is one that is motion activated and will tap 3 times on your window.


I agree about not using these as a practical joke, though.

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Re: Home Depot Halloween Deco-Should They or Not?

Umm, no, I don't think it should be removed.  I mean seriously?  Would I decorate with it? No ~ not my taste but come on!  It's Halloween!  As another poster mentioned, when does it end?  If stores removed everything that offended everybody there would probably be two items left on the shelves to choose from!  (And with so few choices I would then be offended, lol)!  :-)