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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

[ Edited ]

Just remembered another site to check for info - drweil DOT com. Again, type fibromyalgia in the search bar. Hope you find the answers and help you need.

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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

Research 5-HTP

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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

I was diagnosed with this in 1993. I had been in a car accident in 1991 and that is what the doctors (5 of them --4 were rheumatologist--who tend to be the fibromyalgia specialist). I had never heard of it before that.

I have found that it is like a roller coaster--pain is high and then not so bad at different times.

I know of a few others that also have it and it seems that each person has symptoms that are differing that others. 

For five yrs I did acupuncture--loved it and it did help tremendously--but the reason I do not do it at this time --C-19 and also becaue the acpuncturist I was going to retired. Also it can be quite costly depending upon the place that you go to and many insurance will not cover.

Physical therapy does help. 

Yoga helps a lot as well.

I do not take medication excepts ibuprofen and some magnesium and also ginger tablets every now and again for pain. I talk to my doctor re:each move I take re this.

There is a book on Trigger points that might also be of help.

A massage might be of help. (I have had a blood clot as well so a massage is something that I really can not have).

Heating pads at times when muscles ache and just relaxing and self care is important.

Hope things get better


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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

@GoneButNotForgotten.  You need to see a Rheumatologist.  There is prescription medication available for pain relief.

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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

this is a very complicated condition. I have been dealing W/it for years. It dose have flare ups where your symptoms are worse. Get to a good Dr. Rheumatologist or as I do a pain management physician. Every one is different. Go to a medical expert to get advice,not a shopping blog. Just a little advice from a former nurse. Good luck

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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

@GoneButNotForgotten  I have RA, and Fibro and see a Rhumatologist.  When my Fibro gets exacerbated ihe nerve pain is terrible I can't even stand a blanket on my toes at night.  I can go for months without it bothering me, but lately I'm hurting.  I really like Blu Emu with Lidocaine cream it cuts the pain.

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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

@Epicurean First, this isn't a blog, it's a forum.


Second, the OP **did** state she had a doctor's appointment. Like many who post here she was looking for feedback.



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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

@GoneButNotForgotten ...........Please do not go by what you read on this post.  See your doctor.  What is good for some of us with fibromyalgia may not be good for you or others.  Research on line at a reputible site such as the Mayo Clinic, not by ones offering help.

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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

[ Edited ]

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

@GoneButNotForgotten ...........Please do not go by what you read on this post.  See your doctor.  What is good for some of us with fibromyalgia may not be good for you or others.  Research on line at a reputible site such as the Mayo Clinic, not by ones offering help.

@Imaoldhippie @ if you're referring to the website I had suggested, not to worry I deleted my post since you suggested not by ones offering help.  I only stated my opinion and the website I'd suggested, I'd also talked to my Doctor about all of this as many fibro patients do.




good luck with your Doctor's appointment, I am sure you'll find what helps you the best.  

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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Re: Fibromeyalgia...I need suggestions

@Suziepeach .................No I was not referring to your post, I did not even see it.  Im sorry you deleted it because of me.  What I meant by websites offering help/products/etc, they are giving advise so you will buy their product.  At least that is what I have found doing research on several ailments.