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And I did go out for a walk this mornimg and felt a little better ....

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Yep, I'm having a bit of that today as well.  Woke up to snow here but thankfully only had about an inch and now the sun is out.  I already made a Target run and bought some not-so-healthy snacks and have the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies on for a little comfort.  For me, it's a combination of the weather, holidays coming to an end and honestly feel that they came and went way too fast.  I usually get a little anxiety with New Years Eve (taking inventory of the prior year and what's to come in the new one).  Maybe you're experiencing something similar but know you are not alone!  Hope you can find something small like maybe having a nice hot cup of cocoa or warm beverage to bring you a little comfort. Smiley Happy

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Wow... I thought I was the only one. But we all think we're alone in what we feel, you know?


Wonderful thread. : )

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Re: Feeling out of sorts

[ Edited ]

@catchersmom: well thought out plan of action. May you find the avenue to peace and contentment after a well-deserved time to let down. I had planned to have my let down time, too, just didn’t want to have flu along with it. This fall lost my mom suddenly, son married, and daughter moved away to begin adult chapter of her life all within 6 weeks. I have been waiting for that time to let my emotions fall out. I hope I can find your strength to look forward again. Thanks for sharing.

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hubbo tells me to take Metamucil

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I have had these feelings since I was in my twenties. Pregnancy brought it on. Only it never went away. I take my meds and I am pretty stable. I am facing surgery and that has had an affect on me. I made it to both family parties. Christmas I stayed home. It was best for me and my family. Not able to go out as it is snowing. By spring I should no will be feeling better. Long ago a doctor said you will be alright because you want to be. He happened to be my cousin. I have a strong will thanks to my parents. They were always there for me even though they never truly understood. I also have the best husband. He was never not there for me. I have been blessed in so many ways. It truly is a work in progress. 

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I think part of it is the let-down of the after holiday blues. We have all been so busy for months gearing up, shopping, wrapping, planning, cooking, etc and now there is nothing.


The house gets quiet, guests have gone home and there is the cold and snow to contend with. Everything has a grey scale to it outside.


Do you sew, knit or crochet? No better time than to start an afghan - which will also keep your legs toasty warm as you make it, lol.


I have a son with disabilities and I do believe the full moon affects his moods/behavior.


Start a new book and curl up with a cup of hot chocolate (it makes everything better) or your favorite beverage. Or, how about some good movies.


Feel better @goldensrbest - we have probably all been there - let us know how you are feeling. Riley1

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Re: Feeling out of sorts

[ Edited ]

Sidsmom:  Yes, I firmly believe that the moon affects all living things.  Plants, animals, humans.  The ocean, etc.  'Could be' that some sort of gravity pull influences our bodies.  Much like varying weather pressure systems.  (Some people have headaches, etc.)


I recall, way back in the seventies, a neighbor worked dealing with the public, answering various phone calls.  She said that they had to hire an extra person during the full moon cycles.  Lots of phone calls with complaints re: strange situations, etc.  I've always remembered what she said.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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I do not mind the cold.  What I mind is trying to decide if I should start putting the Christmas decorations away.  I love them but they've been up the entire month of December.  It seems silly to dust and vacuum again while they are still out. 


My husband thinks we should wait another week.

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Yes I feel very out of sorts!  Not myself at all! 


I spent all of November and the beginning of December going crazy filling custom orders in my Etsy shop.  Then since I hadn't cleaned well during that time I had to make the house presentable for our company on Christmas. 


Of course there was the gift buying, wrapping, finishing up decorations, doing the food list & prep, etc.  The kitchen never seem big enough on holidays when entertaining!


We had a house full of people on Christmas and by 11pm when my last guest finally left I passed out on the bed with all of the lights on in the for several days after I've been eating too many carbs and I feel so lazy & just not myself.  To top it off I haven't gone to my exercise class for weeks and it's so cold out!


I'm looking forward to the new year and things returning to normal.  The holidays just seem to go on for way to long.