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I am not overly fond of Facebook, I prefer Forums and Blogs, but Facebook is mandatory for us work from home employees to connect and where we all meet for Zoom meetings.  Same thing for my work as a volunteer for a charity.....  I have my settings on the strictest privacy settings and this enables me to only interact with people that I know......


I know businesses on Facebook get a lot of "wackos" and inappropiate non-sense.....I've heard that more and more people are closing their Facebook accounts....

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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I do not like all the fact checking and censorship going on on Facebook now.  


I do enjoy several groups though; they can be quite helpful.   I even own a couple of groups.  I particularly like gardening groups, genealogy groups, and kitchen gadgets groups.  I'm still on a Feline Asthma group even though I no longer have my asthmatic cat, but occasionally I can answer a question. 


Mostly on my newsfeed I just share fun stuff.

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Many of my local businesses now post all their pertinent information on Facebook, so I don't know what I would have done without it during this pandemic.


Also, our local meteorologists post live there when we are having bad weather.  Facebook works better for those videos than their weather apps.


That's all I use it for.

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@LuvmyLab wrote:

Hubs and I deleted our FB accounts last year after being on it for 9 years.  It has gotten so bad and nasty. Best thing we ever did, have never missed being on it.  


I deleted mine several years ago when it started to become clear that I was the product they were selling. I sometimes miss having access to family news, participating in online events that I might enjoy--but overall, like you, I haven't missed it.


I was conservative in how I used it and things never got offensive for me, but I did get inundated with stuff every day. It wasn't worth the effort and time it took, let alone the privacy concerns. And thank goodness, there are plenty of other ways to get news and information--much more reliable ways for my money.


To be fair, I know many or even most people don't feel the same and wouldn't want to be without it, for all it's flaws. And that's a good thing--no judgment from me! We are all different, and we each get to weigh the risks and benefits for ourselves. 

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I have never been on Facebook.  It reminds me of those brag letters that used to come with Christmas cards!

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@DiAnne wrote:

I have never been on Facebook.  It reminds me of those brag letters that used to come with Christmas cards!

@DiAnne  Mine is nothing like that. You chose which of your friends posts you want to see. I have my family, some close friends, my towns page where I get great info about where I live. The town page is moderated so there is nothing mean or nasty. That page is great for help in finding the place to purchase something, best doctor and many things.


I did take two or three friends from my FB as they would post religious things and political. All I had to do was have them hidden so their post never appear on my FB. If I had braggart friends, I would unfriend them.

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I liked to use Face book to keep in touch with highschool classsmates. There is an alumni site. And a couple of other sites that have to do with this area. But I think I am done as when I try to get on there is a box wanting you to link Facebook with Instagram. I am not on Instagram & am not interested but cannot get rid of the box & it covers everything else so you cannot see it. So I guess I am done.

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Facebook via it's private accounts, has been a fantastic help to us finding doctors and other services since moving to Florida. It is also the #1 way to keep track and get the facts regarding anything involving our middle and highschool. I don't have "friends", I don't post on anyones' "page" and I don't use my real name or info. Beyond that, Facebook is just another site you can find via the web.

"Coming to ya from Florida"
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i just deleted my account, after having been on it for years. FB can invade your privacy and get into your emails, etc. My messenger account was hacked at one point, so that was the end of that for me.


I don't miss it at all. I was on primarily to keep in touch with grandchildren, but younger people don't use FB nowadays.

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@rms1954 wrote:

Have some really creepy posters.  Comments from men are disgusting.  Not to me but one of hosts has men asking her to pose in a bathing suit and wet t-shirt.  So yucky.






It is not only men. You ought to see some of the "friend requests" I get from some that say they are female!


It's a strange world out there in unanimity social media, from both genders. Now however there seems to be more than just 2. Beats me how many there are now.







