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This evening I requested my account be deleted.


I submitted through the "contact us" page on numerous occasions and all "the system" did was send me what I think is an automated message for letting us know.


My issue was the scrolling list of possible "friends" that appear and even you if click "hide" they still come back.  I even went and tried to delete them and they still came back.  It was disturbing because what appeared was "kids with guns", pictures of these people with the gun looking at you point blank.  .....and that's allowed?   Yes, you can hit report button and all that but no response from FB and to me, it's not worth waiting for them to do anything or even a response.   There were similar other people but to me, the lists that were there and never disappeared were at least disturbing.


So in summary, when you really need them (FB CS), I really don't believe there's anyone answering let alone care, no one did for me.

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January 28th and ANOTHER anti FB thread! Is it 4 or 5 this month? Woman Frustrated

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You can change your settings to: friend of friend only


You can also look into facebook purity which will block pages, people word etc. at your request.

If you have a few moments of time,go in and block each person you do not care to ever see pop up again.

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Re: Facebook Concerns

[ Edited ]

I disagree.  Both times I needed to contact FB I received a response within a few hours.


You delete your own account. They're probably ignoring your request because they don't "do for" people, they expect you to do it yourself. I found this in a 30-second google:


How to deactivate your account
Click the downward arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
Select "Settings"
Click "Security" in the left column.
Choose "Deactivate your account", then follow the steps to confirm.


As to your other claims - I've belonged to FB for about 8 years at least and I have never seen anything remotely like what you describe. Bear in mind that your "Suggestions" for friends are based on friends of your friends. I would be wondering about that if I were you.

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MyGirlsMom:   Thank you so much, did not know that.  BUT, why does it take another user to sort this out, if a user has an issue, I would think the FB team would chime in. 



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@JaneMarple wrote:

January 28th and ANOTHER anti FB thread! Is it 4 or 5 this month? Woman Frustrated




it is going to be a very LONG year i am afraid. LOL

Smiley Frustrated

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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facebook is hard to get help from, you have to ask other users.  A year ago, I was tired of all the movie spammers, I tried to block as many as I could.  Then it occurred to me that many of them started off the post with, "I finally found the link.."  I blocked the phrase. through facebook purity.  LOL

It'sa FREE extension and you can pay them whatever you like.  You can find their page on facebook or go through your server.  I use Chrome. 

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I did deactivate my own account, I don't expect them to do that.


If FB is working for you, all power to you.   I'm just clearly stated I had an issue with scolling lists of questionable people appearing on my home page, I guess you can say they are not people I would ever associate with and I couldn't get rid of them.   Asked FB for help, no response and thought, if these people are showing up on my page, am I showing up on other people's pages? 

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Not a fan of FB, AKA Nosybook. The founder made a bundle "farming" this aspect of human nature. It has a dark side too.

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@Just Bling  Please set your privacy settings 


There is an image of a lock on the upper right hand corner, it's a pull down tab.  


You will be asked a series of questions, one of them i, "who can see my stuff?"  Set to friend, family, public or only me.


As far as the suggested friends, it will take a little while but submit their names in the block feature in that same pull down tab.


Be very careful with your private information, hometown, location at time of posting, vacations, etc.

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