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FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

[ Edited ]


(Please take the time to read the entire article; link provided below)


U.S. regulators have approved the most expensive medicine ever, for a rare disorder that destroys a baby's muscle control and kills nearly all of those with the most common type of the disease within a couple of years.


The treatment is priced at $2.125 million. Out-of-pocket costs for patients will vary based on insurance coverage.


The medicine, sold by the Swiss drugmaker Novartis, is a gene therapy that treats an inherited condition called spinal muscular atrophy. The treatment targets a defective gene that weakens a child's muscles so dramatically that they become unable to move, and eventually unable to swallow or breathe. It strikes about 400 babies born in the U.S. each year.


The Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved the treatment, called Zolgensma, for all children under age 2 who are confirmed by a genetic test to have any of the four types of the disease. The therapy is a one-time infusion that takes about an hour.


Novartis said it will let insurers make payments over five years, at $425,000 per year, and will give partial rebates if the treatment doesn't work.


The one other medicine for the disease approved in the U.S. is a drug called Spinraza. Instead of a one-time treatment, it must be given every four months. Biogen, Spinraza's maker, charges a list price of $750,000 for the first year and then $350,000 per year after that.


Much more:

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Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

Only the rich survive....the top 1%

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Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Only the rich survive....the top 1%


      As expensive as Spinraza is most, if not all, insurers cover it.  It's miracle drug that is relatively new.    The condition is extremely rare and Spinraza is proven to be an effective treatment for SMA.  If the manufacturer can't get insurers, hospitals and parents interested in this megabucks new unproven drug;  they won't be able to sell it.

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Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

The problem is that drugs that help only a tiny percentage of the population would never be profitable if the price tag wasn't hefty. This is the price we pay (pun intended) for profit making companies on which human life now relies.
It costs millions and millions for R&D and getting the drug to market. If only 400 people a year need the drug, it makes sense the price will be high.
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Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Only the rich survive....the top 1%

@SeaMaiden  They have to.  Without them, the bottom 44% wouldn't.

Keepin' it real.
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Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

This post has been removed by QVC because it is political and off topic

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Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

There are several drug assistance programs to which patients can apply. Many drugs can be supplied at no cost to the patient. The physician should know which programs can help most for a certain med. 


Even when drugs are FDA approved, they might still be involved in clinical trials which helps, too.


I have a friend who receives a fairly new drug at no cost through an assistance program. Otherwise, it would cost $75,000 each year. There’s no insurance available that would cover it. 


Hopefully, this is a drug that could be covered by one of these programs. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

@PamfromCT, then why did you submit a clearly political post, especially one that has nothing to do with a drug that can potentially save the [short] lives of 400 babies a year in the U.S.?

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

@SeaMaiden wrote:

Only the rich survive....the top 1%

I doubt it.  In this case, by  your math, that would be four babies.  


If this drug works, it could save the lives of 400 babies.  It is expensive, in part because it is not for the masses.  


The cost will be born by insurers and the government - spread to the other purchasers of insurance and the tax payers.


If I can contribute to saving the life of a child from a horrendous disease - it is a cost I would be willing to share.

Do the math.
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Posts: 3,951
Registered: ‎06-15-2014

Re: FDA approves $2M medicine, most expensive ever

Of course the price is impossible——- but G-d forbid it is your child or grandchild it is a bargain. How much is a life worth?