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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns



this may have seemed too broad a statement about doctors to you, but it was not meant to be.  i am targeting these specific doctors who write these scripts.  where i live, it is common and it is on the news and in the paper all the time.


i have 2 friends who have illnesses that call for long term pain relief.  i'm not talking about them or their doctors.


very different - apples and organges imo



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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

I had a post about medical MJ, not sure why it is now gone.


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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

@momtochloe I understand perfectly what you're saying and I'm just as overwhelmed as you are. I agree with you when it comes to the big pharmaceutical companies, we(people) are at their mercy when it comes to medications. I have a high pain tolerance so have elected not to take what's offered to me. I'm in my mid 50's and still have my wits about me but if I'm fortunate to live a longer life, I don't want to be doped up and put in a corner.


I have discussed with my children about medical marijuana and its use with autoimmune illnesses, I can tell tell you that I have never used it but if it's a choice between a opiate drug or the marijuana, I will take the latter.

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(You don't Know) How Glad I Am- Nancy Wilson
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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

@ladyroxanne wrote:



this may have seemed too broad a statement about doctors to you, but it was not meant to be.  i am targeting these specific doctors who write these scripts.  where i live, it is common and it is on the news and in the paper all the time.


i have 2 friends who have illnesses that call for long term pain relief.  i'm not talking about them or their doctors.


very different - apples and organges imo



No problem, but I was going by your first sentence. Like I said, physicians here don't dole out class C narcotics or they risk losing their license, but I realize some states are still more lax. 

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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

@JaneMarple wrote:

@momtochloe I understand perfectly what you're saying and I'm just as overwhelmed as you are. I agree with you when it comes to the big pharmaceutical companies, we(people) are at their mercy when it comes to medications. I have a high pain tolerance so have elected not to take what's offered to me. I'm in my mid 50's and still have my wits about me but if I'm fortunate to live a longer life, I don't want to be doped up and put in a corner.


I have discussed with my children about medical marijuana and its use with autoimmune illnesses, I can tell tell you that I have never used it but if it's a choice between a opiate drug or the marijuana, I will take the latter.

@JaneMarple thank you for this.  My father never even drank (there was no alcohol in the house when I was growing up except for when my dad would have his friends over to play cards) so we were not prepared for substance abuse which I realize now is what we were dealing with.  We had the same family doctor for decades and this was before the time when specialists came into play.  My dad was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.


I am glad that you are discussing this with your children as that is so important so they fully understand your wishes.  Since it's just me I have opted to stop taking drugs like Lipitor (and this is just my opinion) but I feel that the drug companies have pushed the "normal" ranges into where they can sell more of their products.


Sorry to sound so negative as I realize so many drugs are lifesaving but I also feel big pharma has harmed more people than they have helped at times.

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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

[ Edited ]

@feline groovy wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

A couple of points some may not know:


Chronic pain can literally change the brain.  There needs to be some kind of pain reliever for people who need help managing pain.


Pain can prevent sleeping or sleeping well and that can have an effect on recovery or just making it through the day.  You don't get well when you should if you're up and suffering all night.


There is - weed.

And it's natural.


But we have a long way to go in order to have it legalized in every state.


As you probably already know, it decreases suffering and increases life quality for children through seniors, and for several challenging conditions.

@feline groovy yes and I totally agree and it would be the one "drug" I WOULD use daily if I ever need to. If people understood that the "weed" you get for pain does not have to include  THC- the agent which causes you to get "stoned" or "high". And there are so many ways to consume the medicinal form of MJ- oil, in food, drops, sublingual, ice cream (yep, ice cream, lol), etc with varying levels of cannibidiol (CBD) or the other non-pyshcoactive components found in MJ (responsible for pain relief),  depending on the type and degree of pain. 


So many people are not educated about how medicinal mj works and how it can truly help chronic pain sufferers and other issues like uncontrolled seizures.


And if you want to get the MJ with the THC, there are different strains with different levels of THC so you don't get zonked or become basically useless, lol.

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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns


@feline groovy wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

A couple of points some may not know:


Chronic pain can literally change the brain.  There needs to be some kind of pain reliever for people who need help managing pain.


Pain can prevent sleeping or sleeping well and that can have an effect on recovery or just making it through the day.  You don't get well when you should if you're up and suffering all night.


There is - weed.

And it's natural.


But we have a long way to go in order to have it legalized in every state.


As you probably already know, it decreases suffering and increases life quality for children through seniors, and for several challenging conditions.

@feline groovy yes and I totally agree and it would be the one "drug" I WOULD use daily if I ever need to. If people understood that the "weed" you get for pain does not have to include  THC- the agent which causes you to get "stoned" or "high". And there are so many ways to consume the medicinal form of MJ- oil, in food, drops, sublingual, ice cream (yep, ice cream, lol), etc with varying levels of cannibidiol (CBD) or the other non-pyshcoactive components found in MJ (responsible for pain relief),  depending on the type and degree of pain. 


So many people are not educated about how medicinal mj works and how it can truly help chronic pain sufferers and other issues like uncontrolled seizures.


And if you want to get the MJ with the THC, there are different strains with different levels of THC so you don't get zonked or become basically useless, lol.


Yep, and there's always vape pens... ;-)

For what is does for children with epilepsy alone , it should be immediately legalized in the remaining states.


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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

@GenXmuse Generally they are seeing a speciality called Pain doctors. They are anesthesia doctors who have an additional practice where they treat people with cronic pain.

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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

@LilacTree wrote:

When I went to the ER in early August for my broken shoulder, the first thing they did was come in with the IV.  I asked them what med and they said morphine.  I told them no, no opiates!!  So the ER doc gave me Motrin.  I was fine with that, it took the edge off.


When I was discharged with just a sling, he gave me a prescription for hydrocodone with acetaminophen.  I took one that night and never took another. 


When I went to the ortho doc the next day, he gave me a scrip for acetaminophen with codeine.  I didn't take any of them.  It just didn't hurt bad enough to meet my definition of "10" pain.


Both docs insisted I would be so glad to have them because the pain was going to be really bad.  It wasn't.  There was pain, but I have had pain every day now for twelve years from RA and osteoporosis, and vertebral compressions, and it couldn't touch that.  Every once in a while I take Tylenol for Arthritis, and that may be once or twice a week . . . and just one pill.  I obviously have a very high pain threshold.


Not worth it to me.  But so many people take whatever the doctor orders, no questions asked.  And then they get hooked. 




What bothers me about what you wrote here is that in 2 days 2 different doctors gave you a Rx for 2 different narcotic pain killers - with the second one not paying any attention to the fact the first had already given them to you.

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Re: Drugs now kill more people than cars and guns

@JaneMarple What do you think happens to the water from your septic system? It ultimately ends up back into the water table. You should google it and educate yourself about your system.