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It depends on my day whether or not I get enough sleep. But, I really like to take naps on the weekend when the weather is cold outside.

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On 2/28/2014 Skylands said:
On 2/28/2014 ive been framed said:

Sleep is a waste of time! But it must be done. Like having to eat food and other nonsense.

"Nonsense"? Really? R U human? Sleep, food, exercise, etc is nonsense? You know, U R just too cool. There is always room in the graveyard!

I guess I did exaggerate, a bit! But really, I always feel like there are better things to do! I do love to cook, but once that's done...I sit, eat some then I'm off to do something else.

Not saying I never get tired or hungry...I just don't make sleep or eating a priority.

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I LOVE to sleep. I like the dreams, the coziness, the half sleep/half awake state.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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On 2/28/2014 Peaches McPhee said:

I LOVE to sleep. I like the dreams, the coziness, the half sleep/half awake state.

I love my dreams too! Although I do get some bizarre ones! It's like my mind takes me on an adventure, and best part is, the adventure is free!

Besides, we all need sleep for optimum health.

It's our body's way of recharging.

Being sleep deprived isn't healthy.

Was Yuban, then changed to Plaid Pants due to forum upgrade, and apparently, I'm back to being Yuban.
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I love sleep...and I don't function very well without a good night's one really does. Love not having an alarm now that I am retired...but I hate sleeping too late; feel like I have wasted part of the day. Early to bed and early to rise for me!
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On 2/28/2014 Yuban3 said:
On 2/28/2014 Peaches McPhee said:

I LOVE to sleep. I like the dreams, the coziness, the half sleep/half awake state.

I love my dreams too! Although I do get some bizarre ones! It's like my mind takes me on an adventure, and best part is, the adventure is free!

Besides, we all need sleep for optimum health.

It's our body's way of recharging.

Being sleep deprived isn't healthy.

I could have written this post myself! I LOVE my dreams, too. They're mostly fun adventures with people I've never met! (At least I haven't met them in this lifetime.)

You said it best and ITA with it.

Sleep is not a waste. It's a time for your body to heal, restore and rejuvenate.

I love to sleep and I get a solid 8-9 hrs a night without interruption. We keep the room dark, use a white noise machine which I highly recommend, and we have the most comfy king bed and linens.

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Wish I could sleep...if I get 3 straight hours it is a good night. NO...I would love to just curl up in a warm bed and get a solid 9 hours of bliss(sleep).


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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There is nothing any better, in my opinion, than curling up with a nice blanket when it's cool in the house & cold outside and taking one of those naps. Shoot my blanket speaks to me, LOL come hither it's naptime girl!

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee
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It is so interesting to see how different we are! Fascinating and if youhave trouble sleeping, it can be a real problem! Even though there are lots of sleeping pills, I don't think any of them are a real answer to a good night's sleep.

I always wonder how people competing in big athletic events ever sleep.

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I do not sleep well at night and don't nap everyday but if I know we have to get up really early I take a Melatonin and get a very good nights rest.

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me.. Good ole Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee... Rocky Top Tennessee