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Hello to all........I hope you have a great Saturday night and Sunday........I am watching TLC channel and it is about women in prison for stealing or know they steal for the drugs usually I am seeing on the last 3 shows and it is on now........It really breaks my heart to see these women in prison........they seem tough but then they usually open up and cry.......they need a treatment facility not a prison to get off the drugs in my opinion. My heart hurts so much for these women behind bars. Seems like Heroin is the drug of choice now. So so sad. Has anyone ever mentored a woman or young girl in prison?

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Abuse of drugs, be it prescription or illegal, is a sad and desperate condition.

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Sorry.... I have worked in a prison. I was trying to help women get visitation with their families. If they didn't like what I said they treated me badly and they used abusive language. Since I was giving them something they wanted, not something that they were entitled to.... I wouldn't let them walk all over me. I have seen a different side of these women and it isn't pretty. I wouldn't work there after 6 months.

I also worked in a rehab. Too many were cons.... always trying to put one over on people. It was part of their behavior, the way they had gotten their "drug of choice". It takes a lot to learn to change one's behavior.... many addicts come from a family where there is at least one addict and have learned to cope from watching it first hand.

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My ex BIL' s brother is currently in prison for this. He stole to support his heroin addiction. He was in prison and got out. He was clean for a short time before he got back into trouble and was put back in prison. This time he won't get out. His mother passed away while he was in prison and his siblings wrote him off. It's a sad situation.

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I only have the sympathy for the children that are left without a parent, many times those that are incarcerated had ample chances to clean up their act.

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Having suffered the loss of my first husband to a junkie who robbed my husband and beat him to death with a baseball bat, i have absolutely no sympathy for any of them. They can and should rot in jail IMO - save your sympathy for those that were their victims.
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On 3/1/2014 happy housewife said: Having suffered the loss of my first husband to a junkie who robbed my husband and beat him to death with a baseball bat, i have absolutely no sympathy for any of them. They can and should rot in jail IMO - save your sympathy for those that were their victims.

Oh, that is so sad, happy housewife. I am sorry this happened to you. People do need to pay for their crimes or they just go out and do it again and the next one could be worse. So many of these people have other convictions and so many of them....drunk drivers come to mind, too.

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On 3/1/2014 happy housewife said: Having suffered the loss of my first husband to a junkie who robbed my husband and beat him to death with a baseball bat, i have absolutely no sympathy for any of them. They can and should rot in jail IMO - save your sympathy for those that were their victims.

I agree.

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010
On 3/1/2014 glb613 said:

On 3/1/2014 happy housewife said: Having suffered the loss of my first husband to a junkie who robbed my husband and beat him to death with a baseball bat, i have absolutely no sympathy for any of them. They can and should rot in jail IMO -

save your sympathy for those that were their victims.

I agree.


They put themselves in prison. They made their choices by their actions.

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Posts: 13,714
Registered: ‎11-24-2013

It's easy to turn on the tears for a camera. Save your sympathy R&R for the kids who have a mother in prison or the VICTIMS of the crimes these women committed.