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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

Some grocery stores there deliver

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

[ Edited ]

I have no doubt that he can have his groceries delivered by many grocery stores and by a grocery apps like Doordash, Instacart, Amazon Fresh and Ubereats.  He knows that.  

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

@Tinkrbl44 wrote:

@Linda0215 wrote:

I've seen a lot of (and I don't know what they're called) those upright carts with wheels where you put your grocery bags in and wheel them home. Of course, you can't buy out the store, you have to be selective. There's usually grocery stores within walking distance of your apartment.  It's a different way to live, but you get used to it. Congratulations to him. Living in NYC offers a lot!


@Linda0215   @On It 


And check the weather report first .... he doesn't want to be rolling his groceries home in the pouring rain.  

@Tinkrbl44 It's bad enough doing it with a car!  

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

My former SIL was born and raised in Manhattan; she moved back there about five years ago and is near Gracie near the river. She shops for groceries a few times a week for things like milk and bread and produce and only buys what she can carry; she uses an LLBean canvas tote that can holds a lot. She orders from Amazon for things that aren't perishable.

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC




I would buy things like perishables on my way home from work i.e.  eggs, milk, butter, bread, cold cuts for lunch when I need them.   Nothing ridiculously heavy or too much in one shopping stop.   Saturday is when I'd shop to pick up vegis, fruits and stuff I really need for the week ahead.  I would do Amazon Delivery on staples I could store - items like laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, papertowels etc.  Wheeled carts are great to use.  Especially when your dragging heavy things home from the store; bottles, cans, 1/2 gal containers etc.



Best of Luck to your son!  

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

Talk about a first world problem.


He can try carrying packages home that he holds in his hands.  This means that he goes to a grocery store in his neighborhood and selects an amount of food products that he thinks he can comfortably hold.  The food stuffs he has selected are then placed into bags with carrying handles and he carries them to his destination.


I can't believe this is a serious thread.  Nobody's  this helpless - or actually, he'll be booted from Manhattan pretty quickly if this is the level of his competence.

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

@stuyvesant wrote:

Talk about a first world problem.


He can try carrying packages home that he holds in his hands.  This means that he goes to a grocery store in his neighborhood and selects an amount of food products that he thinks he can comfortably hold.  The food stuffs he has selected are then placed into bags with carrying handles and he carries them to his destination.


I can't believe this is a serious thread.  Nobody's  this helpless - or actually, he'll be booted from Manhattan pretty quickly if this is the level of his competence.

Well, aren't you kind?

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

@chrystaltree wrote:

I have no doubt that he can have his groceries delivered by many grocery stores and by a grocery apps like Doordash, Instacart, Amazon Fresh and Ubereats.  He knows that.  

Perhaps he doesn't "know that" since the OP is asking for some suggestions for him.

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

@On It wrote:

My son just arrived in Manhattan, NYC, to begin working there. He is trying to adapt to buying groceries without an automobile. He is in the Midtown area. Do you have staples shipped via UPS or Fed Ex? Do buy what you can carry in cold foods? Do you depend on deliveries? Any pointers or suggestions for stores would be appreciated.

My cousin has been living in Queens for over 20 years.  She doesn't even have a driver's license.  All her groceries get delivered.  

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Re: Buying groceries in Manhattan, NYC

I grew up in New York. We walked to the grocery store with a shopping cart in the days before grocery delivery and the internet. Even if there isn't a large supermarket near, NYC has plenty of markets and bodegas for picking things up. The cool thing about NYC is all the small ethnic and mom/pop markets you can find.