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Any Retirees working part time job ?

I will be 65 in August, still working full time, considering retiring in 2016 but I don't want to sit all day watching QVC spending money on clothes I may not wear ( I already have SG tops and women with control pants still with tags on them, have not worn yet and just received the Quacker Factory TSV that I really like and will keep) I like keeping active, just had a total knee replacement 5/11 so still home recovering and bored. I am going to PT ( most excitement of the day)  I would like to know if any retirees on this board are working any part time job or started a  business part time and if so what.  I work from home for an insurance company which I love and I am on my biz computer and make calls to several states all day so very busy.  Ideas would be much appreciated and would help me decide if I want to retire next year, thanks

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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

Hi Goodie,

Like you, I had a right total knee replacement in 2011. Seems like there is a left TKR in my near future.  Hope you are healing well.

I'm a retired teacher but work as a substitute.  I love what I'm doing.  I'm also involved in various activities in my church and community.  You will know when you are ready to retire.  Good luck to you.  docsgirl

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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

[ Edited ]
I guess you could call me retired. I got laid off last year from an insurance company and I absolutely detested the company and the job. I am going to be 60 this year and have no desire what so ever to return to work. I am volunteering, doing puzzles, latch hook rug hooking and taking care of the cats. I would say if you love your job (I didn't even remotely like mine, and we won't even discuss the horrible company) and want to work, stay with it and get whatever benefits you can get, but if you are like most people in our age group who are sick of corporate America and all the headaches that go with it, I say retire. Take some time off and do all the things that never seem to get done. I haven't been bored one single day. As for spending money on unnecessary stuff. Just the thought of never having to go to work again makes me rethink if I really need something.
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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

My retirement came out of the blue...I took advantage and haven't regretted it once. Don't know what the heck I do all day but do stay busy for sure!! I love it. It's the fruits of working my entire life!
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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

I retired from thirty six years of teaching and now full time by invation at a major dept. store!  Sure beats the boredom and I've goten to see a lot of my juniors and seniors!

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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

[ Edited ]

Yes. I have found retirement to be quite a letdown. It is lonely and boring. I have been substitute teaching which is nice because I can pick and choose. I can work as much or as little as I want. The demand is so great that I could have worked everyday of the school year. I actually took off 4 months to be a snowbird and then when home only worked 2 or 3 days per week. it really is a lot of fun. 

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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

 You say you're working from home and you love what you do, so why stop?    If you enjoy it, keep on working.   Or, maybe your current company would let you work part time.

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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

[ Edited ]

I retired in my fifties two and a half years ago. I enjoy my time being my own, and never care to work again. I was so tired of being tied to an alarm clock, and was tired of people. I have plenty here at home that keeps me busy. We are all different, but for me it is heaven on earth. I think you will know when you are ready. As far as home shopping, well, I have not bought any more, because I just do not need any.

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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

I retired a year and a half ago. I had been in the same career for over 40 years and I was happy to go. I took a year off. Sold my home and moved into a condo in a smaller city about 12 miles away.  I am blissfully happy in my new place and my new town.


I now work part time in a totally unrelated field The pay is more than good .I work generally less than 20 hours per week.  It's contract work, so I can pretty much pick and choose when I want to work. It's the best of both worlds. I am bridging the gap until I can take SS by bringing a little extra money and I have lots of time for myself too.

~Enough is enough~
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Re: Any Retirees working part time job ?

I moved and bought a house after I retired. I spent the first year decorating inside and out, then I got bored. I got a job at a J. C. Penney catalog call center. It was fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. There were many retired women working there and they had great benefits even for PT employees.

I was an area manager in my other job and took a lot of flack from the public. It was so nice to get calls demanding to speak to a supervisor and pass them off to someone else.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment