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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

Long forgotten.  Took me a few minutes to remember.  Not sure why this is important to know but I am happy that they are happy. LOL

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

She looks different.

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

@FuzzyFace wrote:

@bathina wrote:

I don't care what these people do. They are both over the age of consent and can conduct their lives the way they see fit. She served her time and as far as I'm concerned, she's paid her debt to society.

Didn't Jerry Lee Lewis marry a 14 year old girl? Wasn't Elvis going out with Priscilla when she was a young teen? I don't see much difference in their actions, except the perp here is a female.


They don't give a ****** about the age of consent; she started grooming him when he was her 12-yearr-old student Vili, thus also violating the trust that a teacher won't be a predator of her/his students.


She's a lying sack of s*h*i*t and so is he.


When did Jerry Lee and Elvis start grooming their prey? As I said, I don't care what these two people do. They are adults.

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

@FuzzyFace wrote:

@Sweetbay magnolia wrote:


That's not what I would choose, nor advocate, but it has been adjudicated and I really do not think this sends any message except that people do things that many find strange, and may never understand.


People are opportunists.  We all are, or we would not survive.


Adjudicated, my ass. She went to prison for child molestation and lied through her teeth about it--BOTH TIMES; i.e., after she got out of prison the first time, she jumped right back into bed with him even though she wasn't supposed to. The cops busted them in a car doing the "wild thing".

She was tried, found guilty, lied through her teeth again, and went to prison again. Oh, and all this involved her commiting adultery too, since she was married (with her first set of children) when she took up with Villi.


I don't care if it's been "adjudicated" to the moon and back; she's an adulterer, criminal, child molester, liar, and a convicted felon.

If that makes her uncomfortable, too bad. You have to own what you did--and take the conseqences.

Seems like that's OK nowadays. I can think of someone who checks all these boxes, and even religious people think it's not a problem. Such is our world today.

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

There's no way I condone the choices she made years ago.  She was the  adult.


They are both adults at this time.  I can't think of a reason why what they choose now affects my life or that of anyone I know or am ever likely to know. 

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

No one would disagree....this is so wrong.  I think it best to leave these two out of the news.  The fact that a teacher would betray her profession in such a despicable way should not be recognized.  Yes, she was punished but the harm done to this twelve old and the havoc placed on her family (husband/children) is indelible.  We should not honor this women by recognizing her publicly.  The child should have received psychological counseling, or I doubt he would be revisiting the criminal perpetrator.  The sooner this disappears from the news, the better.

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

He is about the age now she was when it all began.  Can you imagine him going after a 6th grade girl?  The whole world would want to string him up.  She is lucky she even got out of prison period.  I hope her four other children from her first marriage have had happy lives and her ex husband too.  The two from this union seemed to be fine with all now.  I read where they called him "Friend Dad" since there was only 13+ years age difference.  Disgusting.

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

Seems like that's OK nowadays.


Not with me and I'm guessing most people wouldn't be ok with a teacher being a sexual predator of a student, especially a minor child like Vili.

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

@bathina wrote:

@FuzzyFace wrote:

@bathina wrote:

I don't care what these people do. They are both over the age of consent and can conduct their lives the way they see fit. She served her time and as far as I'm concerned, she's paid her debt to society.

Didn't Jerry Lee Lewis marry a 14 year old girl? Wasn't Elvis going out with Priscilla when she was a young teen? I don't see much difference in their actions, except the perp here is a female.


They don't give a ****** about the age of consent; she started grooming him when he was her 12-yearr-old student Vili, thus also violating the trust that a teacher won't be a predator of her/his students.


She's a lying sack of s*h*i*t and so is he.


When did Jerry Lee and Elvis start grooming their prey? As I said, I don't care what these two people do. They are adults.

Jerry Lee (the Killer) Lewis married his 13 yr old 2nd cousin.  Elvis (The King) Presley's relationship with Priscilla when she was 14 yrs old.

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Re: After a 2017 separation, they're back together....

[ Edited ]

To date, Mary Kay is still a registered sex offender. For. Life.


I read that she would like to be removed because she wants to teach again. Really!!??  I think this woman is certifiable. 


Below is a September 2018 article (no link because of side rails which might be political):


Mary Kay Letourneau claims she didn’t know sex with 12-year-old was illegal”