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Re: Yea!!! My nail salon opened today🙂🙂🙂

@Lipstickdiva wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

For those who think that salons are safer than grocery stores, I doubt that anyone has their hands on you in a market. I certainly hope not. And I doubt that salons are as big as supermarkets. Let's face. Anywhere now is a risk. It's all a matter of weighing your priorities

@suzyQ3  this can be debated back and forth.  Personally I do feel a salon is more safe than a grocery store.  Grocery stores are larger so there are more people in them at once.  People may or may not wear a mask at a grocery store where salons are requiring them for both the employee and the client and that is much more easily enforced.  I don't think anyone is going into a salon and refusing to wear a mask or throwing a fit about that fact.  You certainly can't say that about people going into various stores.  If the stylist wears a pair of gloves, they are changed afer each client, not like in a grocery store where the cashier is wearing the same gloves throughout her entire shift, handling hundreds of items.    


In a salon you walk in, sit in the chair and get the service done.  At the grocery store people are walking around picking up and touching many, many items, putting some of them back on the shelf for the next person to come along and touch.  Then there are all of the handles on the doors to the frozen and cold foods, that are touched my how many people over and over.  Those areas aren't wiped down after every person touches them.  Don't even get me started on how filthy the machine is where you pay with your card.      


And no, not every store is practicing social distancing.  More than once I've had people practically on top of me to reach around me and get something.  One woman even touched me with her shoulder trying to grabbed something out of the meat section.  This can go on throughout the entire store.     


Some salons are even putting up acrylic partitions between stations or hanging shower curtains if they can't have the stations 6 feet apart.  My salon is also staggering hours so there would be less people inside at once.  They are going to be working later at night and on Sundays.  

@Lipstickdiva, being a larger space is a big plus right here. Add that most responsible markets have procedures in place, such as limiting the number or people at one time, requiring masks, plexiglasse barriers, no touch checking out, limited time exposed (if at all), etc. just adds more safety.


Salons are generally small; plus, you are exposed to at least one close up and for a more lengthy time.


It's the equation of space and length of time that is particularly important.





~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Posts: 21,733
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Yea!!! My nail salon opened today🙂🙂🙂

@Lipstickdiva, I should add that although I did grocery shopping last week, my husband has implored me to go back to delivery.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland