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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

I do like white teeth like the next person as well. I don't smoke and don't drink or eat a lot of things that really make my teeth darker so I can get away with brightening toothpastes most of the time.


However I do think that there has been a trend where teeth are so white, they look fake and very odd. I was actually talking to my dentist about this several months ago when I went in for a cleaning and check up and he was telling me how some people won't take no for an answer and over do them to the point of actually harming their teeth. I do have a couple of acquaintances who look ridiculous because they are way too white and it looks so unnatural.


It is weird though watching older movies and the actors teeth are a lot more yellow compared to today. I like a happy medium.

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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

About 5 times a week I follow up toothpaste brushing with baking soda brushing. Keeps the stains away. 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

I wish I had teeth.

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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

good point.  we should be grateful 

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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

Have you seen the WaterPic commercial?  Her teeth almost glow in the dark!


I had mine bonded - and they are a natural color.  Look like ordinary non-descript teeth - a nice ivory color.


I used to work with someone (young woman) who had all her teeth capped in bright white (chicklets). 


My dentist mentioned when he was doing my bonding that he had a patient who was getting implants and insisted on bright white.

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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

I’m in my fifties and my mom said she remembered me always wanting white teeth.  I had them whitened and have never looked back.  People ask me what I’ve done and that I look younger.  I smile more now. To me that’s worth it!

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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

Yellow teeth give an appearance of poor health and poor hygiene.


I don't like blinding, fake white, but there is a middle ground. 


Why is this even a question? Woman LOL

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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

People overdo the whitening.  You see some, including QVC hosts, who smile and all you see are big, super white teeth.  Looks very phony.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

Ricks teeth seem to be heavily bleached. I suspect his hair is also colored.

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Re: What is with the obsession with white teeth ?

[ Edited ]

I agree that teeth bleaching can look very unnatural. White teeth are beautiful but so white that it looks like you have chiclets for teeth not so much.


I'm biased since my mom is a lifelong smoker. I don't know what she sees in the mirror, but she's never tried to do anything about her super yellow teeth. She thinks she looks great all the time. It is surreal to me that she still doesn't know how bad her teeth look. I tried telling her many years ago but she doesn't seem to think it's an issue.


So if I had to choose, I'd rather have super white teeth than smoker's yellow. 

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