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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

Lots of tips and help available if you decide to go that route. And if you end up really hating it, you can always go back to the way you were. Many tips on utube. I used a book called Going Gray and Looking Great (can't remember the author. Have fun in your journey.

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

Hi, @I am still oxox !  I would also go for the short hairdo and letting it go grey.  After I retired, I resolved to not pay or use my time for upkeep of the color.  For a while, I used Just 4 Men even though I'm not. 😉. After a while even that got tedious, so I no longer color at all and my hair is pixie short.  In full disclosure, I do have a bit of the Bride of Frankenstein white shock going on in front.  I'd actually like for that to become a feature of my color before it goes further grey/white.

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

@I am still oxox 



I say do what makes you happy, and to hell with what anybody else might think, because it is your hair, not theirs.

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

@I am still oxox I hadn't really considered it, but last January I went to my hair appointment & I said "Let's go grey.".

The appointment before I had done dark brown with red highlights.

I love that my stylist just goes with whatever I say.

So she went with ashy highlights the next couple of appointments & it was painless.

I didn't get a short cut. I do not have the face for that.

My sister's hair is silver & very pretty. Mine is more ashy toned with maybe 20% dark hair throughout.

My husband likes this color better than any of my previous browns, auburns, etc.

The texture isn't really any different. I have stick straight, fine hair.

I don't hate it. It's pretty easy.

I hated having silver roots 2 weeks after I had color done & going to the salon every 5 weeks for 2 hours & $100+ depending on what we did that visit.

It costs me $26 when I go for shampoo, cut & style. And, I go every 8-10 weeks.


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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

@I am still oxox You are not nuts.  I stopped coloring my hair when I was about 55 years old.  I am now 71.  I never looked back.  One thing I was grateful for was the condition of my hair (very good).  I still have salt & pepper and I wear it short with long, sweeping bangs and layered in the back.  So easy to care for.  I don't have time to spend hours on hair.  Believe or not, I received a lot of compliments on my color.

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

@tsavorite wrote:

@Squirrel Lover wrote:

I vote for cutting it off and leaving it gray.


I did the same COVID project too. I haven't highlighted my hair since last February and I have had it cut into a shoulder-length one-length bob. I am 55 but I don't have one single gray hair, but my hair's natural color is so much darker than I suspected. I am at peace with it though. One of the best perks is that I can wear less makeup because the blonde was washing me out.

Wow!  no gray hair at 55!!  You lucky girlWoman LOL  Just today while getting my hair colored (gray roots covered) and a cut I was talking about how my hair texture when it grows out is so wire like and THIN.  The coloring makes my hair fuller so that is the biggest reason I would kept coloring it.  I have had to color my gray since I was 46....10yrs now.  I think I must be 60% or more gray in most areas.  If it wasn't so thin...frizzy/curly.


Then looking across the room another lady today had the most thick and beautiful iron gray hair.  My stylist told me they put low lights in her looked so good.  But her genes gave her very thick wavy gorgeous hair to begin with.  



@tsavorite I'm 66 and have a few single strands of gray.  I have no gray roots and got highlights back in July.  The highlights have now grown out about 3" and my roots are all still dark.


I take after my father who had dark brown hair until he was in his 70s.

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

@Janey2 wrote:

First of all will you like the way you look with short hair? How could anyone tell you to cut it without knowing you? Part of the reason I color my hair is that it gives my hair lots of body, which I need. What will the texture of your hair be when you stop coloring it?Nothing worth having is easy. 

@Janey2 I find it funny that so many are saying to cut it off!  Why?  How do they know it will look good?  Not everyone has the features to wear short hair.

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

@fthunt wrote:

I vote for ..........cut it.   One of the QVC model, Phyllis, I envy her pure white short hair.  It's beautiful and fits her age.  Short hair is so much easier to take care of instead of long stringy no shape thingy.

Cut  properly you'll feel like a million bucks.

I've never colored my hair, and now at 87 it is white all over. I have always loved white hair, I think your makeup is more striking with it.. I have always worn my hair just to my collar. I think long hair is terrible on an older person, it's really for when were young. I'd vote to let it go white, my niece did and she loves hers after years of useing dyes.

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

My mother is almost 82 and she still colors her hair blond with highlights and low lights.  She's finally talking about letting it go gray.  I'm almost 62 and have no thoughts (yet) of going gray.  Hairdresser says I'm about 50% gray 

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Re: Thinking of cutting my hair and going grey

No, you are not nuts.


The good thing about hair is that it grows and you can color it.  If you don't like it short and gray, then you can always let it grow and dye it again.   Try something new!



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