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I always see this dryer all over the Internet and wonder about it. Being so small it looks so easy to use. Pro tools pro dryer 2000. At Dermstore now it's $169. Regular 249.


Does anyone own it? I can't buy it now but I'm curious.



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I bought it when it first came out, and returned it. I saw no difference between this and the cheaper dryer I was using at the time.

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It looks a lot like my Sedu that I have had for years. I haven't tried Harry Josh though so i can't speak for it. 


Posts: 1
Registered: ‎12-18-2017

I have this dryer and use it almost daily. I normally use it with the ions turned off because it makes my hair to soft to hold a curl. My favorite feature is the fact that the cool shot actuallly blows cold air. It has a feature built in that pushes cold air, not just turning off the heat like most dryers. 

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@Greeneyedlady21   I will never buy a $100+ hair dryer again.  I am a fan of Babyliss hair dryers and they range from $30 (travel) to over $200 so you have a wide range to chose from,  All these hair gadgets are way over priced today.  Cat Wink

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@Katcat1 wrote:

@Greeneyedlady21   I will never buy a $100+ hair dryer again.  I am a fan of Babyliss hair dryers and they range from $30 (travel) to over $200 so you have a wide range to chose from,  All these hair gadgets are way over priced today.  Cat Wink


I own a Babyliss, too. @Katcat1 I think it's a very good dryer.Woman Happy I have the PRO Nano Titanium model. Very small yet very efficient.

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I have a Sedu dryer that must be 6 or 7 years old now. Still going strong. It was 100 something at Bed Bath and Beyond with a 20% off coupon.


I dropped it last year and some of the outside casing broke off.

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