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Texasmouse, your comments are spot on!!
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Anyone know how old she is?



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@jobiz wrote:

Go right now to YouTube and binge watch. Dr. Dray.   She is amazing and you will save hundreds of dollars by eliminating so many unnecessary skin care products. She actually reviews drugstore products and many more. I have learned so much and my skin is so much healthier.  


      Is it possible to give us a brief summary/highlight of some of her main points regarding skin care?   

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Re: Do yourself a favor!!

[ Edited ]

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@Texasmouse wrote:


To be fair, one of the threads was resurrected from one I started in October so it's really only been one.


As far as Dr. Dray's appearance goes, if her advice were to be given over the radio and no one could see what she looks like, her physical appearance would not figure into her credibility concerning the information she provides or the advice she dispenses.  If you can separate her appearance from what comes out of her mouth, a lot of what she says appears to be based on her knowledge as a dermatologist and her desire to help people a) weed out what's not necessary for healthy skin and b) save you money by blowing through the hype that cosmetic companies put out on expensive products.  Her biggest passion is the use of sunscreen which I agree is the best preventative measure for anti-aging.

@Texasmouse, I said basically the same thing on another thread and was blasted by someone. If she is just painfully thin, then that is no different than someone being egregiously overweight. And if she is in fact suffering from an eating disorder, then that is no different than someone suffering from compulsive overeating.


If watching someone so thin or so heavy bothers a viewer, then, I guess they should not watch.


But all of this is separate and apart from her work.

You are SO reading my mind again @suzyQ3.   I was going to start my own response when I read yours.  I don't understand the discrimination of being extremely thin.   It's as bad as slamming someone for being grossly overweight.   Perhaps it's part of her genetic makeup, and she can't gain weight.  Why people jump to absurd conclusions like she must be anorexic. But if she is, that is a totally separate issue.  Dismissing at least watching a few youtubes, perhaps learning something new and then forming your own opinion seems more reasonable.  I'd never heard of her b4, watched about 4 or 5, and don't agree 100% with everything,  yet think she has some sound & valid points. 


Her tiny thin frame is certainly an aside from her expertise on skin.

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Re: Do yourself a favor!!

[ Edited ]

Same for you, @Texasmouse and others who watch to perhaps learn something new.




I'll be completely honest, she struck me as slightly arrogant during the 1st video.


Then the more I watched, she actually engages her audience and places  importance on all individuals' results with various products.  Keeping an open mind as she does is a rational and rather refreshing approach IMO.

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She is naturally very thin. She is very knowledgeable. She is a Md. but if people find what they do works they should do it. I do watch her a lot of her advice I like some I don't. But we don't need to be mean. I do think people spend hundreds to much on face products. When cheaper can work. 

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I find her more than just thin.  She is skeletal.  And she is very pretty, but the skeleton hides it.


I take her opinion and consider it with others.  She's entitled to her opinion.  I can either believe it or not.





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@hyacinth003 wrote:

I find her more than just thin.  She is skeletal.  And she is very pretty, but the skeleton hides it.


I take her opinion and consider it with others.  She's entitled to her opinion.  I can either believe it or not.








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Re: Do yourself a favor!!

[ Edited ]

If she were grossly obese, would any of you have mentioned your subtle disgust or your genuine (if it is ) concern?

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Being "ill" doesn't mean you cannot have anything of value to say. That said, I won't be watching. I trust myself. I have a low tolerance for bull....