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I could not watch her either, I found her strage, almost child like, 


@Valstybaby wrote:

OMG! I just watched her videos and she is about 70 lbs soaking wet and looks sick. I couldn’t watch. 


So sad.


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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@jobiz wrote:
She is a vegan. Why must we judge her!

My granddaughter is a vegan and looks fine. Dr Drays bones are sticking out. That cannot be healthy. 

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Not a fan.

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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@GenXmuse,  I so agree. It's hard to watch her because I keep thinking she looks terribly anorexic.

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What impressed me when I watched that one time was that her skin looked terrible! No vitality to it at all.

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Re: Do yourself a favor!!

[ Edited ]


This is the 2nd Dr. Dray thread in the last month.

And for a total unknown youtuber....highly odd.


Can’t help but think one of these OPs -is- Dr. Dray continuing

to promote her own YouTube channel for monetary gain.


486 videos in 460 days?

That’s the definition of crazy. 

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Why must people judge you on your looks?? She also has many vegan recipes
The whole point of my thread was NOT to judge others but to help give you an alternative to the many expensive products that continue to claim “anti-aging”. I was just trying to help! Let also remember that genes and the sun play an enormous role. I respect Dr Dray representing the scientific, evidence based research over what many lines “claim” to do.
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To be fair, one of the threads was resurrected from one I started in October so it's really only been one.


As far as Dr. Dray's appearance goes, if her advice were to be given over the radio and no one could see what she looks like, her physical appearance would not figure into her credibility concerning the information she provides or the advice she dispenses.  If you can separate her appearance from what comes out of her mouth, a lot of what she says appears to be based on her knowledge as a dermatologist and her desire to help people a) weed out what's not necessary for healthy skin and b) save you money by blowing through the hype that cosmetic companies put out on expensive products.  Her biggest passion is the use of sunscreen which I agree is the best preventative measure for anti-aging.

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On one video Dr. Dray said a few things I have personally found to be true:


1.  Fragrance is the number one irritant in skin care products.


2. Consumers can be allergic to any ingredient, so there is no product that can guarantee no breakouts (I am allergic to Shea butter, chamomile, and aloe, all cosidered to be soothing ingredients)


I am interested in her information, and plan to look at more videos.








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@Texasmouse wrote:


To be fair, one of the threads was resurrected from one I started in October so it's really only been one.


As far as Dr. Dray's appearance goes, if her advice were to be given over the radio and no one could see what she looks like, her physical appearance would not figure into her credibility concerning the information she provides or the advice she dispenses.  If you can separate her appearance from what comes out of her mouth, a lot of what she says appears to be based on her knowledge as a dermatologist and her desire to help people a) weed out what's not necessary for healthy skin and b) save you money by blowing through the hype that cosmetic companies put out on expensive products.  Her biggest passion is the use of sunscreen which I agree is the best preventative measure for anti-aging.

@Texasmouse, I said basically the same thing on another thread and was blasted by someone. If she is just painfully thin, then that is no different than someone being egregiously overweight. And if she is in fact suffering from an eating disorder, then that is no different than someone suffering from compulsive overeating.


If watching someone so thin or so heavy bothers a viewer, then, I guess they should not watch.


But all of this is separate and apart from her work.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland