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Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

My skin has been feeling really dry lately.  None of my moisturizers were helping.  I have a set of JM Body Butters and decided to try the Rosewater scent on my face.  I was reluctant because I have very sensitive skin and was afraid the scent would cause a reaction.  I'm happy to report that it caused no irritation or breakouts and the next morning, my skin had a healthy glow that I haven't seen in a few months.  It only took a small amount to provide the moisture that my skin needed.  I'll continue to use this at night for awhile.  Has anyone else found that the Body Butter works great on your face?

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

My husband uses it on his face.  I also use it from time to time on my face and around my eyes.  I don't see why it can't work.  I did not have any reactions as far as  breakouts.

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

A lot of people were using the Unscented on their faces. That's why Josie started making the Face Butter. The Face Butter is a little lighter and easier to blend in on the face, so I prefer it to the Body Butter.

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

@Alison Wonderland  I have used the Face Butter and really liked it...used it all up.  It didn't seem to last very long, for the price.

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

I use her body butter on my face -- at night.  It's thicker than anything I would put on in the morning.  My skin loves it; I wake up to glorious skin!  I've been doing that for about a year now.


I use a different mositurizer on my face in the morning because it has sunscreen in it. 

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

I don't on a regular basis, but I have used it...  only the UNscented though. 

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

[ Edited ]

When Josie was new many of us did and that is how her face butter was born!

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

I used to use the unscented on my face. 

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

Yes unscented.  I also use Milk.  I don't use much because you don't need a lot!  Also use on my neck and declotte.

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Re: Anyone use JM Body Butter on face?

Yes, I have used JM Body Butter on my face - especially at night or in the morning if I am just hanging around the works perfect.....I also have her face body butter but why when the other is just as good, maybe a little thicker but put it on lighter and it works just as well.