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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

Before the holidays, I thought about this alot.  I have an adult son that is an addict.  Since the summer, matters have gotten worse and I have had to dig deeper into my faith, which I have to say had been very much waning the past years. I know that journaling helps, but who has time?  I looked into bullet journaling and that wasnt me either. I just wanted a hope, a wish, a sign, a sentence even just a word as to how I was on that day.  I want to renew my faith and just turn it large a burden for me alone. I came across a book of daily affirmations, they seemed to speak to me, so what I did was just read the short one page affirmation, see how it related to my life that day and on the page write down anything I wanted.  Hopes, disappointments, blessings etc.  I started in Oct, as there were only dates, no years.  It takes me all of 10 minutes every night.  It helps, not everyday, but more days than not.  It has given me a sense of purpose and a little hope.

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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

Good morning, 

This is one of my new year's resolutions.  My sister gave me a beautiful blank journal and I will be entering in one thing I am grateful for or a nice moment every day.  I try to be grateful every day but I like the idea of creating a written record that I can re-visit during the year.  


Thank you for the suggestions for journal entries.

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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

I just stated a Memory Jar on Jan. 1.  Puddles (Sidewalk Cafe) gave me the idea.  Making notes every day (I hope) and putting it in jar.  Goal is to read all the notes on New Years Eve 2017.  An option to a journal if you wish.

Image result for memory jar    A sample of memory jar

"Faith, Hope, Love; the greatest of these is Love." ~The Silver Fox~
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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

@CareBears wrote:

@hildyjohnson I think that is a wonderful idea, so often times we get caught up on ALL of the negative we find it hard to look for the good that is all around us, this kind of goes with my New Year Resolution to stop being so negative about life, and focus on the good in myself and all that the good that the world has to offer!


Thanks for posting!


@CareBears, I, too, plan to focus on the positive. Thank you! Excellent!

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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

@chiclets wrote:

Gratitude embraces the soul. It is the gift you give to your life/journey.


Well said, @chiclets! Thanks!

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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?


@lolakimono, thank you for the prompts and the inspiration! Very helpful.


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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

@Sooner wrote:

I think just being thankful as you go through the day is the best--and I don't need more stuff to do or keep like a journal.  When I wear a piece of clothing I like, I am grateful!  When I eat something I like, when someone contacts me, when I feel good, etc.  Just get in the habit of being happy and appreciative of blessings.  


These are great points, @Sooner, and I'll work to adopt this positive habit. Thanks!

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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

@sassenach1 wrote:

@Sooner wrote:

I think just being thankful as you go through the day is the best--and I don't need more stuff to do or keep like a journal.  When I wear a piece of clothing I like, I am grateful!  When I eat something I like, when someone contacts me, when I feel good, etc.  Just get in the habit of being happy and appreciative of blessings.  

I make this a habit, too.  Also, at night, I silently name all the things I am grateful for. 


@sassenach1, love the idea of silently naming my blessings each night. Thanks!


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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

@AnikaBrodie wrote:


This is wonderful, @AnikaBrodie! Thank you for sharing it.


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Re: 🌥🌈Your thoughts on gratitude and gratitude journals?

@house_cat wrote:

I just started a new gratitude journal last month. I used to keep one faithfully, and it really improved my attitude.  I'm a worrier and can easily get carried away by dark thoughts, so gratitude keeps me on track.


Years ago I read the book "Simple Abundance", by Sarah van Breathnach. I might have spelled her name incorrectly. I now have it on my Kindle and I read it whenever I remeber.  Some of it is dated, but it's still a wonderful book.

@house_cat, I can identify. I can be a worrier, also. Thanks for sharing your experience. I'll look for that book online.