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Re: What's 'that one thing' about you that friends and relations find it hard to understand?

That I enjoy living alone. I had a career for 40 years that involved dealing with all kinds of people and I now love being retired. My home is small, a 1400 sq. ft. ranch which is perfect for me. People seem to find it unfathomable that I like to stay home. I'm not outgoing and prefer to do what I want, when I want. 

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Re: What's 'that one thing' about you that friends and relations find it hard to understand?

I would say that others have a hard time understanding that when I seriously speak my opinion about a subject, it's usually regarding the larger picture (with research).  This is rather than a personal opinion related to me or my life (although I've done that too).... but it's often misunderstood and argued with.  It's happened here as well.  I've tried tempering how I approach this.... people seem to like and understand the more personal responses and experiences.    

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: What's 'that one thing' about you that friends and relations find it hard to understand?

That I am somewhat of a workaholic and would at times prefer to work on my business ideas rather than participate in vacations and other activities. I have gotten better about it but during the years we were building things up we didn't socialize or vacation for 7 years straight. Many people dropped off.


My husband and I own a construction business and it takes both of us working our tails off to keep us and our 3 employees in work. Now that my Mom lives with us and my office is in our home, I do have more downtime but it is still difficult at times and takes most of my attention running things, cooking for my family and overseeing my Mom's care.


I used to be active in hobbies, master gardeners, politics, clubs and friendships but gave it up to concentrate on work and family. It hurt a few people but that wasn't my intention. I think I had a few dependent type friends who felt I didn't give them enough of myself but I know I did the right thing. I still have a few friends who aren't too needy.

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Re: What's 'that one thing' about you that friends and relations find it hard to understand?

I'm on the shy side but very competitive. 

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Re: What's 'that one thing' about you that friends and relations find it hard to understand?

One more thing no one seems to understand (even tho I've been open and honest with them).... I can't stand being on the phone for longer than 10 to 20 minutes.  I'm sure it stems from answering the phone for years.  My best firend tries to honor what I've shared with her but the best she can do is an hour or an hour and a half... sometimes 2 hours!!  I simply can't do it... just can't can't can't ....drives me bonkers.


Thank goodness for texting, it's saved our relationship... Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: What's 'that one thing' about you that friends and relations find it hard to understand?

I don't want this to come off snarky but if there is something about me my friends or relatives don't understand, they've never said anything to me. 


I think I'm pretty understandable and if not, I guess I just don't care. LOL   

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Re: What's 'that one thing' about you that friends and relations find it hard to understand?

1. I am the personality type that requires time alone in order to recharge. 

2. I quit a successful and high-paying career a few days after I turned 55. My husband and I had planned it, even building a new rural lake home to which we moved.

3. I don't want to travel. In my career, I travelled all the time, both in the U.S. and Europe, so to me the idea of getting on a plane is "work."