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Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

Kum by ya, My Lord, Kum by ya.  I just am in a mini rut and need to take an imaginary vacation. It's cold outside!!!! But the sun was out, still is and that sky is the bluest blue!


So I'm sure, it has to mean Spring is on it's way.  Doesn't it seem to stay lighter longer at night now too?


I use to get to go to camp (church camp) when I became a teen and loved it.. Made some wonderful friends. Did you camp as a kid? A Y camp or Girl Scouts or Brownies, or for any guys, their scouts? (John probably did a hockey camp).


Ok, so Spring fever yet?



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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?



My idea of 'camping' these days involves a bedbug free camper or RV!


With osteo in my spine, there's no sleeping on the cold hard ground for me anymore and I HATE bugs!


Also, an indoor shower, cooking abillity and toilet are a must!

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

I went to summer camp for many years. I became a counselor, trained the older campers in the CIT program, trained the new staff, and was an assistant director before I had to get a job that no longer allowed me to work summers at camp.


I'm still in touch with many camp friends, thanks to Facebook.

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

I was a GIrl Scout and a Girl Scout leader so I did a lot of rustic camping when I was younger.


I am camping right now in an RV in Florida.  It's  not rustic, but it is more my style now.  The weather is beautiful and very spring like.  It has been in the 70's since we got here early this week.


I will be here to the end of the month.  Hopefully, spring will find it's way to Pennsylvania soon or follow me back home.  Spring and summer are my favorite times of the year.  I am not a fan of winter.

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

My husband and camped for years with friends and have the best memories.We went into the campgrounds.We had mice in our tents,bears cleaning our pots and pans during the night and one night everyone's food got eaten except ours.I proudly announced that ours was in our tent...haha my DH almost had heart failure on that one.we had a campfire going all of the time for cooking and boiling camp coffee,bathed in the lake and also did our laundry there.We hung our stuff to dry on trees and everything smelled like campfire.Those were the days!

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

I was just thinking this morning that the over 25 robins out there that called a convention are totally ignoring Phil the groundhog!

So amazing to see and they must know something the groundhog doesn'tSmiley Happy


I did go to several camps and was a girlscout. I just really liked one camp, the other I got too homesick and the camp wasn't that great.

Girlscouts-the main thing I remember was trying to outdo each other for badges.

I have realatives that love to camp and though I thought I wouldn't like it, we all sat around outside their house by a big fire-so nice. They slept outside in their camper and I went back to the house!Thats' the way to camp lol!

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

Camped as a kid at church camp - then as a teen was a church camp counselor. I always enjoyed camping and still do - though now it is in a nice luxurious camper with all the amenities including a king size bed.My favorite feature of our current campsite is that it has an outdoor fireplace so when we build a fire , the smoke goes up the chimney and not in our faces.

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

I also went to church camp all 3 years.  Here in Utah we have 100's of places to go. The only problem is you have to make reservations  early in the year or most are booked. We started with a camper we bought from my grandpa when he died.  Now we have a trailor we have for quite awhile we love. We start going in May and go until October.

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

The last few years my parents were alive,  I drove their motor home all over the Southwest and from Albuquerque to Pennsylvania since they both became legally blind.   They sold it in 2003, and I really miss planning and getting ready for the trips we took.   I think we hit all the national parks in the Southwest and we dearly loved the Southwest Colorado Mountains (the San Juans).   We were up and down and all. over them.   Can't believe it's been 14 years. 

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Re: Is it spring yet, is it camping time?

No camping for this girl. Didn't grow up with it, so didn't learn to appreciate it. Besides, I need a good mattress and a lot of hot water !! Oh, and the flushing thingamajig.

 Nice Image Of Good Evening


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