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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

@chrystaltree wrote:

@birkin baby wrote:

This is a sticky wicket.  In a perfect world you would contact the police,business owner, etc .Investigation,arrests,convictions would follow. The bad thing is,the offenders know that you know. That puts you at possible risk if you report them.      

        So, if you did nothing,what do you think their fate would be? Are they at risk of being found out without your help? If you call the business,what do you think might happen? What if you report the faux prescriptions and pills to the Medicare office manager? If you call the police,do you think enough evidence could be found to convict? Is there an anonymous crime tip line you can use?  You say it's all hearsay. I think you have to weigh  your options. Just did you become privy to this info?  

     I'm sorry you are involved in this. Most people who have low income don't resort to a life of crime.  They sound like really bad people. 



       The problem is that she isn't directly involved and she KNOWS nothing.  She knows less than nothing.  The police, the employer, they can't investigate when there is nothing to investigate.  Rumor and innuendo are not proof that crime has ocurrred.  Since she obviosusly has "history" with the people involved, that further calls into question anything she has to say. 

There is one piece of potential evidence.  If it is reported it will be clear who did the reporting and that relationship will be fractured forever.  And the kids are left without any parent, although they are old enough to get by.  One of the kids has disabilities and hasn't been able to work.  Another one of the kids had a serious fractured skull last year when he was hit by a car on the freeway trying to be a good samaritan.

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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

My advice is to leave them alone and let them hang themselves.  


Been there, done it with a fairly close relative who did wrong for so long, he thought he was immune to ramifications.   



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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

[ Edited ]


If I see anyone taking liberties that are not legal, I will report what I know, or have seen to the proper authorities. I don't do care what they use as an excuse, or my relationship to them. A crime is a crime is a crime, and I will never turn a blind I, as I am not the one that put the perps in their position, they made that choice. Why would want to be, what I consider, an accessory to a crime?






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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

@Scooby Doo wrote:

Hypothetical, or not, situation.

A close family member works in a business situation where they have access to all the financial info.  This person helps themselves to a few incoming checks and deposits them into another family members bank account, then draws the money back out.  The person with the bank account is unsuspecting and thinks it's a paycheck.  They have access to each other's finances.  This person also has access to a doctor's prescription info and makes false pain rx's and then sells the pills.  All this stuff happens because they are living under limited income and need money.  Said person is also in cahoots with a child who knows what's going on and participates to some extent.    Both have had legal problems in the past and have been on probation for theft.

When they find out that you know, they blast you on facebook and tell you to go to H&ll.



Wrong - "all this stuff happens" because they are criminals.

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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

@hckynut wrote:


If I see anyone taking liberties that are not legal, I will report what I know, or have seen to the proper authorities. I don't do care what they use as an excuse, or my relationship to them. A crime is a crime is a crime, and I will never turn a blind I, as I am not the one that put the perps in their position, they made that choice. Why would want to be, what I consider, an accessory to a crime?







       I agree but the problem here is that she knows nothing and has witnessed nothing and has nothing to corroborate what she thinks is happening.  She didn't say on this date and that date and this date, "I saw yada yada yada".   That's what the police need.  Even with the embezzlement, she has no facts.  Just what she's heard.  I know from personal experience at my own place of empployement that they can't take action on heresay and rumors.  We had a married couple who worked different shifts in our cashier's office and they had check fraud scheme that went on for years.  Many of us went to security and to higher up with our suspcions but we didn't "know" anything.  We had no proof.  The police were contacted but they had nothing to investigate and the fear was that if security or the police started poking around with nothing concrete to go on, the couple would destroy records and quit their jobs and nothing would happen.  Or even worse, they would just stop their scheme until things cooled down and then go right back to it.   As it turned out, two other people in the office played detective and once they figured out how they were doing it, one of them went to the couple and insisted on getting his "piece" to keep quiet.  Once they trusted him and he knew all the details, he then went to security who then went to the police and the couple was fired and then arrested.  Because there was proof and witness.  But.....all of that....took about two years. 

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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

as long as no one's life is in danger, i would steer clear.  let someone else report them or let them get caught some other way.  it's only a matter of time.

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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

@ladyroxanne wrote:

as long as no one's life is in danger, i would steer clear.  let someone else report them or let them get caught some other way.  it's only a matter of time.

Usually I would agree, and I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about this, but she said a child is involved.  So I don't think I would sit back and do nothing.

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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

It would seem like concerned family would want to rescue the children from that situation.

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Re: A What Would You do If............. Situation

I'd turn in even my own husband and son, or mother, if they were doing this. One of my first concerns would be at what point might they involve me (unknowingly).


My first step would be to tell them what I know (or suspect) and let them have a very little time to come clean. If I knew or thought they didn't do it, I'd contact both the company I suspected they were defrauding, as well as law enforcement. 


Failure to do anything else is just another reason our country is in the state it is in. People who don't do the right thing affect way more than just themselves.