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Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Hope everyone is enjoying the hotter weather! Come chat, tell us what's new beauty-wise, or whatever. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

oh brother, had to turn on our old AC, going to be oppressive by Tuesday and right through the week the local weather said, can't stand humidity and DH needs and likes cool so, on the poor old one went. We had our bedroom one on and it will do both bedrooms and the bathroom but with this old bigger one(really only takes some humidity out) that will help even it it isn't exactly too cool it will be comfortable taking the humidity out of the house.

Thanks for the suggestions on what to do for dogs tinkling on the grass between the walk and curb. It is about 4 feet wide by 70 feet long, would take a lot of that fencing and these bigger dogs I think would step over anything that isn't high. I wish you could see the area, terrible and am afraid they will start letting them go on the other side of the sidewalk in the front lawn itself.

As you all know, I love dogs, and cats and any animal of course but also believe people should have or show consideration for other peoples property. They have the nerve to tell us they don't want the dogs going potty in their yard and killing the grass so is why they take them for a walk, yeah, let them kill other peoples grass.

Can you believe it if it July already, wow, next is August than back to school for the kids and summer will be over. As much as I complain about the heat/humidity, I love to be able to sit out on the patio, weed the flower beds and just relax in the yard late night.

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Hi Doglover, welcome to July, hard to believe it's here.

I don't know what else to suggest. Most things that would deter the dogs would hurt them, so that's out. Thought fencing was the best solution for your lawn edge. You can't do it on city property though. HHMMM, how about checking for a critter urine product that deters dogs. They have stuff to keep racoons and skunks away, must be something you could spray that dogs hate.

Yeah, have to enjoy the summer even if it's sweltering, just too short not to.

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Hi all. Another warm one.

Heard a child got attacked by a fisher cat, yeeks, I know they live in the park next door and are really everywhere here.

Might be a storm for the 4th, watch out for Arthur!

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Desi: I looked at fisher cat pics online. They look cute, but if they attack kids, that takes away from their cuteness.

doglover: How is DH? Were you seen by family doc?

Janet: Hows life at the cottage?

Its hot and miserable here. 70 degree dew point. Can't wait until Friday when the high will be 78 degrees. That is more my speed. I'll be going to my neighbor's for a cook out. DH will probably working, since most of his customers are OK with it.

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Hi All -- I typed a long post yesterday; hit Submit and it never posted. Lost connection I guess. Then today I posted in the June thread. Leave it to me -- so I will try again.

Desi -- What are you doing about the deer tick? We have deer here but have never seen a deer tick. DS in Maine said he checks himself and his golden after a walk in the woods.

Hot here too -- went shopping today and it was so hot in the parking lot even at 8:30AM. Some of the family will be coming Thursday and DS and his golden will come Saturday but I'm sure DD and GC will want to shop again so they can pick out what they like.

doglover -- It's hot here too but there was a wonderful breeze today. I said I wasn't going to complain about the heat after our long Winter!! They were predicting storms here for tonight.

Hope DH is feeling better -- did he go to Urgent Care or to his own doctor?

Sounds like you're just about done with your planting -- the stones in front of the arbs should really look nice. I want to get more hanging petunias as I need a basket that needs some help!!

Hope you like your D&Co. pants. I really don't need any now but it was nice that they came in petite. I wore my A14924 D&Co. capris for the first time today. Been living in shorts and tank tops here at the cottage.

pepes mom -- I'm so glad we're at the cottage in this hot and sultry weather -- it must be so hot at home and we have no AC. Haven't even been home since we came down here May 26th. Our DD has been bringing our mail.

Glad Bella found her voice and barked at the UPS man. Don't think too many dogs like deliverymen or mailmen!

DD will bring Benson to the cottage tomorrow -- they're going to a wedding in DC so we'll have him until Monday, July 7th. He loves to go in the pond to cool off!

Take care everyone and have a nice evening!

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Pepe's mom, I don't want to see a live Fisher up close! I saw one in the distance at the park, pretty sure it was one. Where my oldest works, they carry bats, because the da-mn things run at them when they go to get in the trucks! They will attack humans, and kill small animals just for the heck of it. Very long nails and sharp teeth. They aren't indigenous, apparently they were (stupidly) introduced to reduce some other animal infestation.

Glad DH has work lined up and you have somewhere fun to go.

Janet, taking a wait and see on the tick bite. I don't know how anyone spots the nymphs. Thing was tiny and dark and looked exactly like a freckle. I only took a second look because I didn't remember having a freckle there! If it got on my back or hair or anywhere i can't see, he'd have gotten to stay, I'd never have known.

Don't worry about posting on the old thread, I have done that, more than once.

Nice that you will have family coming and Benson.

I couldn't survive without at least the 2 ACs we have. Ranch houses always seem to heat up faster. No second floor for the sun to beat down on.

Supposed to get to 90 here tomorrow. Like you, said I wouldn't complain after this winter.

Sorry your post vanished. I think sometimes I forget to hit submit, but other times I know I have. Also, sometimes we aren't allowed to post whatever word webbie doesn't like, and it's high-lighted in red. If I don't check to see if it posted, then it never does because I didn't change the word.

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Like the feel of the D&C TSV, isn't what I though, soft knit pant, not at all like fancy sweats I was imagining. I could have gone with either size and they would have fit. They are a bit long, don't think the length is 27 inches since they are almost 2 inches too long but okay. They are somewhere between a dress and an every day pair of pants I would say. You would feel comfortable wearing them to an office or for daily shopping or just around the house, nicer than I thought other than the length and did get petite.

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Doglover, thanks for letting us know what's going on. Since DH was the way he was, I am actually glad they are keeping him overnight to hydrate him. He will feel better from that alone. Then hopefully he will be well enough to go home.

My DH ate some dinner, he said I should make chicken, felt that would sit well. Not perfect but okay, then he had an egg later. Hope he is okay tomorrow too.

Huh, thought from the description the TSV would be more casual too. Maybe better that they are a bit dressier, more versatile. The too long part wouldn't be good for me though. I don't hem, wear flats, and can't see these staying rolled up for a cuff.

Sleep well, talk tomorrow when you can.

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Re: Happy July, Scents and Common Sense Thread

Desi -- Had rain last night with thunder and lightning. It's a bit cooler today but still uncomfortable when moving around.

Started making up beds. I'm pretty sure the 4 GC will sleep on the living room as they usually do. The 4 GC usually sleep on the living room floor; have a regular ritual putting down sleeping bags, comforters, throws, pillows, etc.

DD brought Benson today; I forgot a few things yesterday and she brought them for me. They're going to a wedding in DC and will start driving at 6 AM tomorrow and come home Sunday evening.

They sell an iron on tape for hemming pants called Heat & Bond Iron On Adhesive tape. You can just turn the cuff under and don't have to remove stitches at all and iron the tape on.

Hope your DH is feeling better soon. Must be a nasty virus going around.

doglover -- Thanks for letting us know about DH; glad he went to the ER and they can properly treat him. Hope he can come home soon!

Glad you like the D&Co pants outside of being too long -- think they're making their petites 28" now.

Hope you are getting the rest you needed and take care!

Have a nice evening everyone!