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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

I'm not sure that you got the stats right.

That said, if you go to a Center of Excellence, you do well to abide by their advice.

THAT said, it's up to the patient.

Having said THAT - be sure the patient isn't depressed, impulsive, fearful, etc. It needs to be an INFORMED decision, not an emotional one. I would have the chemo (again). It's nasty, but then, dying of cancer is worse.

Best wishes to you both.

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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

On 6/8/2014 lovepink said: I guess everyone is different. I would not take chemo for only a 5% better chance. His odds should be quite good anyway and chemo can bring many lasting problems.

I would not take chemo, either, for 5%.

Bottom line, it's up to the patient. It's their nightmare. No one knows what they would do until it's you.

Btw, everyone dies. There are no easy exits.

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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

If your husband opted not to get the chemo, I would honor his decision. I would however get a second opinion re: stage 2 colon cancer and the 5 % protection with chemo.

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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

I'm a colon cancer survivor - also stage 2, but my tumor was through the wall. All nodes were clear. After a lot of thought and soul searching, I opted to take the chemo. I felt that if the cancer should return at some point I wanted to feel that it wasn't because I hadn't done whatever I could have to prevent it. I was otherwise healthy and didn't have the challenges that your husband does.

I had the port and had 9 of the 12 two day treatments you mentioned - it's called FolFox. Then I had a port malfunction and was changed to a pill only treatment called Xeloda for the remaining ones. I was very lucky in that I went through it with less side effects than many other people, although one component of the IV treatment has left me with pretty severe neuropathy even two years out. If the cancer never returns, I feel like it's worth it. If your husband decides to reconsider, he might think about just doing the Xeloda which I found to be much easier and the side effects were not permanent.

Sloan Kettering is a very good hospital - the one I used is affiliated with Columbia Presbyterian. He might still want to get a second opinion, just to confirm what he's been told and to ask any questions you probably forgot to ask at your consultation. I would ask them to go over the statistics with you again, because I agree with what Rowdyone has said - what you quoted doesn't sound right. There is a very gray area concerning chemo with stage 2 stats that is very confusing.

I'd also like to suggest a website - - there is an enormous amount of information there as well as a section called colon talk, which is a message board like this one. There have been many discussions on this very subject and you'll be able to ask questions from others who have been where you are.

Good luck to Tony (and to you!) with whatever he decides.

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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??


you all so much for taking the time to give me such kind and informative answers. You are gems. There is a gray area with stage 2. I'm pretty sure I heard the 5% from the doctor and I've been reading on line. Whatever the number is, its very small. Thanks again for all if your good advice.

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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

Dori-I don't have any information, just support and well wishes for your DH.

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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

This is your husbands decision and no one else's - not even yours. Also , this is not an appropriate place to get information.

Respected Contributor
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Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

Depends on the age or your husband and his health. Chemo can kill just as cancer does.

Posts: 25
Registered: ‎05-12-2010

Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

Just a personal experience here. DH had stage 3 colon cancer, and had the FOLFOX chemo cocktail. Yes, he is alive, but suffering from extreme neuropathy due to the treatment. Just another thing to take into consideration.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-22-2010

Re: stage 2 colon cancer. chemo or no chemo??

I used to work for an oncologist. I watched all of our patients suffer from the chemo treatments. I had a long talk with the doctor. He said that most of the time, it just gave them more time..although most of them were very ill.I have known several that quit the chemo. I spoke with one of them and he told me he was sick of being sick and tired. He said he felt pretty good after stopping the chemo and he went on to live several more years. It is your husband's decision and I would cast all the care in God's hands! He loves your DH more then you do! Thats what I would do, its in His hands anyway! I am so sorry you are going through this. I lost my cousin from cancer, she was everything to me. I know she's in a better place now, and is healthy and whole and happy. I had a hospital chaplain visit her when I knew she only had a few days. She called me and told me that was the best thing anyone could have done for her. She was able to let go and let God. I lived in another state and couldn't be with her.I was so thankful for that minister.

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West